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The Internet Journal of Dental Science
Volume 6, Number 1
Original Article
Incisal Edge Abrasion Caused By An Unusual Eating Habit
The Effect of Bovine Serum Albumin on the Antifungal Activity of Mineral Trioxide Aggregate Cements
Pindborg Tumour: A Rare Odontogenic Neoplasm
Oral Health in Patients with Mental Illness
Accuracy of the Demirjian Method for the Haryana Population
Is Periodontal Disease a Risk Factor for Onset of Preclampsia and Fetal Outcome?
Periodontal Profile in Preeclampsia: A Preliminary Study
Sexual Dimorphism: Dentin Formation And Odontoblast
Quantifying the Acidic Content of Commercial Yoghurt Drinks in Nigeria
Immediate Core Reconstruction With A Vacuum Formed Matrix: A Case Report
Traumatic Dental Injuries In Nursery School Children From Ile – Ife, Nigeria
Effect of Scaling and Root Planning in Periodontitis on Peripheral Blood
Are Leptin Receptors present in the Gingiva?
Residual Antibacterial Activity of Minocycline Chlorhexidine and MTAD