Effect Of A Phytoextracts Supplement On The Constipation Treatment
L Cenci, A Cucchi
constipation [mesh], geriatric nursing [mesh], plant extracts [mesh]
L Cenci, A Cucchi. Effect Of A Phytoextracts Supplement On The Constipation Treatment. The Internet Journal of Nutrition and Wellness. 2008 Volume 8 Number 2.
It is well known that constipation is a frequent disease among the adult population and it affects almost all geriatric people. The prevalence of constipation reported the elderly appears variable in the different studies, with rates ranging from 8% up to 65% of the studied populations [1]. The cause is mainly related to the non-uniformity in the definition of constipation and variety of the setting in which the elderly are studied (outpatient, RSA, hospital, etc..). A survey conducted in the United States in subjects with 65 years of age or more found a prevalence of constipation of 24%, while prevalence of constipation of 45% was reported in a population of elderly people with the presence of immobilization syndrome, dehydration and low income food [2]. In a population of about 5400 subjects with more than 65 years, a survey recognized a prevalence of constipation of 24%, defined through the Gastrointestinal Symptom Rating Scale [1]. The most important constipation related risk factors are advanced age (84 years or more), inability, the living in homes for aged, female gender, [3]. The laxatives’ prevalence of use is higher in older aged subjects: rates range from 10-18% of routine use in the elderly at home [4], to 25-30% in subjects with 80 years or more, that use laxatives at least once a month [2].
In this study we tested an herbal extract dietary supplement which is predicted to reduce constipation and to regularize the intestine (table 1).
Materials and methods
In 2007, 55 patients from two italian homes for the aged were selected for this study and divided into two groups. All the patients had various metabolic and neuro-psicological diseases, and a severe constipation disease. The medical attendants made reports on the evacuation activity of the patients every day. In both groups, the diet and the pharmacologic therapy didn’t change in the two periods: the only modification was the supplement intake. The first group (Group 1) consisted in 25 patients (21 women and 4 men; 7 women dropped out during the treatment). The average age was 87 years (standard deviation 6,6 years). The treatment with the dietary supplement (Dosage 1: 30 ml a day) lasted 18 days
Results and discussion
In Group 1, the average number of evacuation per day on the
Results obtained with
Results obtained with the higher