The Internet Journal of Third World Medicine
Volume 8, Number 1
Original Article
Augmenting hospital funding with user fee charge: The revolving fund scheme.
Private providers of Healthcare in India: A policy analysis.
Sexually Transmitted Diseases- Ten Years Experience In Benue State
Serum Immunoglobulins (IgG, IgA, IgM) levels in Preeclampsia and Eclampsia Pregnancies
Opportunities for Generic Drugs in India
Tubercular pericardial effusion: a case report
Pott’s Spine With Bilateral Psoas Abscess In A Hiv Positive Patient
The role of Mondia whitei in reproduction: a review of current evidence
The incidence and pattern of stroke in bayelsa state, nigeria
Prevalence of urinary schistosomiasis among aids patients in otukpo benue state.
Maternal Deaths During Caesarean Delivery In A Developing Country-Perspective From Nigeria
Recent Techniques For Oral Time Controlled Pulsatile Technology
Cytopathological Review of Breast Lesions In Ile-Ife Nigeria