Mechanism Of The Sexual Transmission Of Disease
R Chacon
R Chacon. Mechanism Of The Sexual Transmission Of Disease. The Internet Journal of Urology. 2005 Volume 3 Number 2.
We present an experiment which shows that the prostate plays an essential role in the sexual transmission of disease. The experiment shows that the apparatus composed of the prostate and the urethra forms an aspirator which aspirates material into the prostate ( including the seminal vesicle), with the urethra acting as the pipette and the prostate acting as the bulb. The aspirate can be any material at the tip of the penis, and the aspiration occurs following ejaculation. If there is infectious material in the vagina, intercourse will lead to aspiration into the prostate of the infectious material.
The experiment
A beakers of sterile saline solution was prepared with a few drops of blue ink, enough to slightly color the saline. The subject was instructed to masturbate on a full bladder, and then, immediately after ejaculation, to immerse the tip of the penis in the saline for a few minutes. After urination to remove possible ink from the urethra, masturbation was repeated. The ejaculate contained ink.
(1) The experiment suggests that most, if not all, sexually transmitted diseases occur following the cycle of contamination: (a) prostate (b) vagina (a) prostate (b) vagina, etc. (2) Human papilloma virus (HPV), including oncogenic types, occur in a large fraction of sexually active women, and is present in at least 97% of all cervical cancers.. The experiment points to a mechanism for the almost certain infection of the prostate with HPV for most men, and thus presents a rationale for a careful examination of the possible role of HPV in benign prostatic hyperplasia as well as in cancer of the prostate. There are, of course, other infectious agents which could be investigated, HPV is merely the most likely culprit. (3) The aspiration described suggests a possible method for the delivery of medication directly to the prostate, for example anti-viral drugs which might be developed which would be helpful in eliminating HPV from the prostate. (4) The possible role of HPV in prostate cancer, as well the protection of female partners from HPV suggests that both men and women would benefit from a gender-neutral vaccination program. (5) Each act of unprotected intercourse results in the aspiration of more or less benign infectious agents from the vagina into the prostate. This would suggest that the prostate may play a role similar to lymphatic nodes in filtering infectious organisms, in addition to its other more recognized functions. (6) Since HPV causes genital warts which grow on the surface of the penis and surrounding skin, the version of warts which might grow in the prostate should be investigated, together with its connection with prostatic disease.