The Internet Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery
Volume 12, Number 2
Original Article
Repair Of The First Segment Of Subclavian Artery Injury In A Trauma Patient Without Thoracotomy
Main pulmonary artery aneurysm
Autogenous arteriovenous fistula for hemodialysis complicated with a giant venous aneurysm
Obesity in the elderly cardiac surgical patient as a risk factor for intra-operative complications
Closure of pericardium using pericardial fat in primary cardiac operations
Double-chambered right ventricle
Our Late PTFE Graft Infection Cases
Tuberculosis Presenting As A Ruptured Aneurysm Of The Internal Carotid Artery
A Brachial Artery Duplication Case Which Was Diagnosed Peroperatively
An Infective Endocarditis Case Complicated With Cerebral Abscess
Superficial thrombophlebitis of the inferior epigastrica vein
Perthes Syndrome In A Compressive Politrauma Case
Our Infective Endocarditis Cases That Diagnosed Splenic Infarctus
Surgical repair of Ebstein's anomaly utilizing a Kalangos biodegradable tricuspid ring