A Simple Method For Coverage Of Anal Margins Externally To Prevent From Fecal Soiling
E Güneren, H Akba?, L Ero?lu, A Demir
E Güneren, H Akba?, L Ero?lu, A Demir. A Simple Method For Coverage Of Anal Margins Externally To Prevent From Fecal Soiling. The Internet Journal of Surgery. 2001 Volume 3 Number 1.
Any wounds, such as burns, pressure sores, and tissue defects of gluteal, perianal, and perineal regions require meticulous prevention from urinal and fecal contamination. Urinal diversion with a Foley catheter is simple, cheap, and practical method. When necessary, the most effective diversion way for gaita is to perform a temporary colostomy with a considerable morbidity, and cost. We recommend using of a transparent nylon piece pasting onto anal margins. A rectangular cut of nylon is pasted on the one half of adherent surface of the Hypofix ® longitudinally (Fig 1). Then it is pasted onto anal margins very closely like a cape (Fig 2-3). Sterilization is not necessary, clear nylon piece can be used for this purpose, since the operation field is closed with sterile bandages. The nylon coverage is not encircled to whole thigh to take in air of the bandages. It permits the cleaning of the region without soiling the bandages. It is easily repeated while the bandages should not open for some periods for example in the split thickness skin grafting procedures. It is used easily and safely in pediatric patients with the diaper as well.
Ethem Güneren M.D., Assistant Professor Division of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Ondokuz Mayis University Faculty of Medicine 55139 Kurupelit, Samsun , Turkey Tel ; + 90 362 457 60 00 ext no; 22 79 Fax ; + 90 362 457 60 41 E-mail ; eguneren@omu.edu.tr