The Internet Journal of Surgery
Volume 21, Number 2
Original Article
Totally Trans-Umblical Laparoscopic Appendectomy with "Dowais's technique"
Male Breast Cancer: A Case Report
Abdominal Cocoon, a Rare Complication of Continuous Ambulatory Dialysis Catheter
A Case of Testicular Regression Syndrome
Malignant Phyllodes Tumour: A Case Report
Simple maneuver to place the skin incision for inguinal hernia
Autoimmune thrombocytopenia associated with carcinoma of the stomach
Jejunal perforation by a foreign body
Tying laparoscopic intracorporeal knots with one instrument: "Dowais tie"
Synchronous bilateral germ-cell tumors of testis: A case report
A Focused Look On The State Of Burn Injury: Case Study of a Tertiary Institution in Nigeria.
Spigelian Hernia: A Case Review
Intrahepatic Air: Pneumobilia vs. Portal Venous Gas
Giant Gastric Trichobezoar In A Female Teenager
Lumbar Hernia – Can it be a sign of underlying urological anomaly?
Mercurochrome 1% as an antiseptic for burns: Economical - but is it efficacious and safe?
A case of tubercular breast abscess in a young female
Congenital Caecal Band Presenting as Appendicitis
Does Pilonidal Sinus Locate In The Scalp?
Sialoblastoma: A rare pediatric tumour of the salivary glands
Penile Gangrene Due To Strangulation By A Metallic Nut: A Case Report And Review Of The Literature