Editorial: A New On-line Publication Replaces Two Previous Electronic Journals
O Wenker
aeromedical, airplane, ambulance, disaster, disaster medicine, disaster plans, disaster relief, emergency medicine, flight nurse, helicopter, intensive care medicine, medical air transportation, medicine, paramedic, rescue, rescue missions, trauma medi
O Wenker. Editorial: A New On-line Publication Replaces Two Previous Electronic Journals. The Internet Journal of Rescue and Disaster Medicine. 1997 Volume 1 Number 1.
Dear Readers:
In January 1997, two closely related electronic journals were launched:
The Internet Journal of Aeromedical Transportation
The Internet Journal of Disaster Medicine.
Both journals were covering topics of interest for professionals involved in these fields. Unfortunately, there was no place for articles coming from ground-based rescue teams such as ambulance services. Several readers asked us to incorporate such a possibility for them in order to become active in our on-line publications.
Internet Scientific Publications LLC decided recently to combine the 2 former mentioned journals and change the name to: The Internet Journal of Rescue and Disaster Medicine. By doing so, we can offer now a new journal open to all personnel involved with rescue medicine. We would like to encourage everybody to actively participate in this new International venture. The former editorial boards will be combined and we will add new members from ground-based rescue services. Should you be interested to act as reviewer in our editorial board please send a e-mail to wenker@ispub.com mentioning our new journal.
We will accept articles, case reports or letters to the editor from the wide field of rescue, emergency, transportation and disaster medicine.
Olivier Wenker, MD