An Unusual Kind Of Traumatic Intracranial Hemorrhage: Post Traumatic Bleed Into The Schizencephalic Cleft
J T, V Rajendran, E Devarajan
intracranial hemorrhage, schizencephaly
J T, V Rajendran, E Devarajan. An Unusual Kind Of Traumatic Intracranial Hemorrhage: Post Traumatic Bleed Into The Schizencephalic Cleft. The Internet Journal of Radiology. 2007 Volume 8 Number 2.
Schizencephaly is an uncommon disorder of neuronal migration. Of the two types described the closed lip variety is less commoner and is usually difficult to diagnose on CT images. Here we present a case of bleed into the schizencephalic cleft, which not only is undescribed in literature previously, but made the diagnosis relatively simpler by making the condition that would have been subtle otherwise, obvious.
Case Report
A 45 yr old lady sustained a road traffic accident and presented with head ache
Plain CT head was done to rule out head injury
Some weakness of the left lower limb since birth/childhood.
Associated limping
Seizures - 4 to 5 episodes per year – not on medication
No mental retardation
Uninvestigated thus far
Plain axial CT section of head were taken.
Posterior fossa CSF space – large
Thin right parietal subdural hemorrhage
The linear track of blood was traversing the
On adjusted window settings the track was seen to be lined by
Intraventricular bleed in the occipital horn of the left lateral ventricle
Adjusted window settings showing the subdural hemorrhage and the track of blood better.
Final diagnosis
Subdural hemorrhage, Intraventricular hemorrhage, prominent cisterna magna
Split brain
Disorder of neuronal migration
A grey matter lined CSF filled cleft extends from the ependymal surface through the white matter to the pia.
Type1 Closed lip : cleft walls in apposition
Type2 Open lip : separated cleft walls
In both types cleft lined by heterotopic gray matter
Clefts can be unilateral or bilateral; symmetric or asymmetric.
CT of
Full thickness
When very large the differential diagnosis to be entertained would be a porencephalic cyst; but then the porencephalic cyst is lined by white matter rather than by gray matter.
This case is unusual in that, the patient presented with a