Analgesic and anti inflammatory activity of the methanolic extract of the frontal leaves of Tectona grandis.
N nayeem, Karvekar
analgesic, anti inflammatory., tectona grandis
N nayeem, Karvekar. Analgesic and anti inflammatory activity of the methanolic extract of the frontal leaves of Tectona grandis.. The Internet Journal of Pharmacology. 2009 Volume 8 Number 1.
The methanolic extract of the frontal leaves of
Materials And Methods
Plant material
The frontal leaves of
Preparation of the extracts
The methanolic extract of dried powder (1 kg) of the leaves was prepared by using Soxhlet apparatus. The extract was then concentrated and dried to give dark brown mass. This extract was used for further investigation.
Phytochemical screening
The extract was then subjected to preliminary phytochemical analysis using standard procedures and majority of the constituents were found to be polar in nature. The phytochemical screening was carried out using reagents like Mg and HCl for Flavonoids, ferric chloride for tannins ,Liberman’-Buchard’s for steroids, Molish’s and Benedict’s for carbohydrates and the ability to foam for saponins7.
Selection of animals
The Institutional Animal Ethical Committee (No Krp/IAEC-27/2006) approved the experimental protocol and the guidelines for the animal care were strictly adhered to during the experimentation as recommended by committee for the purpose of control and supervision of experiments on animals (CPCSEA), Govt of India.Sprague-Dawley (SD) rats of either sex weighing 250-275 gm were used. The animals were maintained under standard conditions and were fed with commercial diet and water
Acute toxicity studies
The acute oral toxicity study was performed according to OPPTS (office of the prevention, pesticides and toxic substance) guidelines.
Colony bred male rats of Wister strain (200-250g) were maintained under standard conditions. The rats were acclimatized for 5 days and fasted over night.
Analgesic activity of the frontal leaves of
Analgesic activity of the frontal leaves was evaluated using the Eddy’s hot plate method.
Rats of either sex weighing 250-275 gm were used. The animals were maintained under standard conditions and were fed with commercial diet and water
Anti inflammatory activity of the frontal leaves of
Anti inflammatory activity was evaluated using carrageenan induced paw edema method.
The animals were divided into four groups. Group 1 served as a control, group 2 was given ibuprofen, group 3 was given 250 mg/kg leaf extract which served as a lower dose and group 4 was administered 500 mg/kg.All the rats were injected with 0.1ml of carrageenan in normal saline into the sub planter region of the right hind paw. The volume of the paw was measured at 0, 15, 30, 60 and 120 mts using plethysmograph9.
Statistical analysis
Results were tabulated and the data was expressed as mean ± SEM. The difference between experimental groups were determined using one way analysis of variance (ANOVA) followed by Dunnet test. P<0.05 was considered significant.
Acute toxicity studies of the methanolic extract did not reveal any toxicity in any of the animals up to the dose of 2000mg/kg body weight. Test dose of 2 g/kg was given to the animals orally and was found to be safe. . Hence 1/4 th hand 1/8 th of this dose i.e. 500 mg/kg and 250mg/kg body weight were used in the study as higher and lower doses respectively.
Phytochemical screening:
The results of the phytochemical analysis has revealed the presence of Flavonoids, tannins, anthraquinones, saponins, carbohydrates, and proteins
Analgesic activity:
Analgesic activity of the frontal was evaluated using the Eddy’s hot plate method. The extracts showed analgesic activity in a dose dependent manner. The frontal leaves at a dose of 250mg/kg exhibit significant activity within 15 minutes which lasted up to 120 minutes while the higher dose of the same extract showed significant activity after 30 minutes which gradually decreased after 60 mts .
All values are mean ± SEM, n=5-6, *P<0.05 indicates significant and **P<0.001 is extremely significant when compared with control.
Anti inflammatory:
The extract also exhibited significant anti inflammatory activity. The frontal leaf extracts at a lower dose of 250mg/kg and a higher dose of 500mg/kg and the standard showed significant activity when compared to the control at 15 minutes up to 30 minutes which gradually decreased in case of the extract of the higher dose. At 120 minutes the activity of the frontal leaves at the lower dose was comparable to the standard while the higher dose of the extract did not show any activity at 120 mts.
All values are mean ± SEM, n=5-6, *P<0.05 indicates significant and **P<0.001 is extremely significant when compared with control.
The methanolic extract of the leaves of
The phytochemical analysis has revealed the presence of Flavonoids, steroids, glycosides, anthroquinones, saponins, tannins, carbohydrates and proteins in the extract. Flavonoids have been reported to target prostaglandins, which are involved in the late phase of acute inflammation and pain 12 .The polyphenolic compounds like phenolic acids, Flavonoids and tannins have been reported to posses other biological activities such as wound healing, analgesic, anti inflammatory and antioxidant13 .It may be presumed that the analgesic and anti inflammatory activity could be due to the individual or combined synergic effects of the phytoconstituents present in the extract.
Based on the results of our study it can be concluded that the methanolic extract of the plant posses significant analgesic and anti inflammatory activity .Further studies have to be carried out to identify the constituents and the exact and detail mechanism of action that is responsible for this activity.
The authors are thankful to Prof Suresh Nagpal, Chairman, Krupanidhi Trust of Education and Prof Sunil D, Head Department of Pharmacology and the principal Dr Amit Kumar Das for their encouragement and support.