Establishment of Herbal Drug Information Centers in India
S Ahmad
S Ahmad. Establishment of Herbal Drug Information Centers in India. The Internet Journal of Pharmacology. 2006 Volume 5 Number 1.
Nations from the developing countries including India have largely been dependent on traditional systems of medicine. Such systems rely haeavily on medicinal plants. either as crude drugs or their extracts . Traditionally labeled as
The HDICs should be established with the following objectives in mind. The objectives are
To provide therapeutic information to the public and health-related professions on herbal drugs / their constituents or their formulations.
To coordinate the efforts in identifying and reporting the adverse drug reactions from the herbal preparations.
To Assist in the selection / identification of traditional drugs for safety assessments.
To Educate the general public on safe use of herbal drugs.
To advise the government organizations on matters related to herbal drugs.
To provide information on the analytical, phytochemical and pharmacological aspects of the herbal drugs to the interested institutions and persons and finally
To promote effective utilization of the plethora of information on medicinal plants.
The creation of HDICs will be nothing short of being complimentary to the government efforts to preserve the wealth of traditional health systems. Furthermore, it will also be helpful in pharmacovigilance of herbal dugs and their products.