Quick Review: Thymoma
B Phillips
B Phillips. Quick Review: Thymoma. The Internet Journal of Otorhinolaryngology. 2001 Volume 1 Number 2.
Prior to 1976:
Any tumor of the thymus gland was referred to as a
true epithelial tumors
thymic carcinoma
Rosai & Levine then defined the modern classification
the functional unit of the thymus gland is the Lobule
composed of a cortex & medulla
epithelial cells
Thymomas are, by definition, primary tumors of benign-appearing thymic epithelial cells
Given this definition, most thymomas are “benign”
the majority behave in an indolent fashion
however, they can invade and metastasize (uncommon)
when a thymoma is contained within the thymic capsule, it is referred to as “benign” or “noninvasive”
when it penetrates through the capsule, it is referred to as “malignant” or “invasive”
Thymic tumors composed of truly-malignant-appearing epithelial cells are now referred to as thymic carcinoma
rare event
accounts for less than 10 % of all primary thymic tumors
locally aggressive & metastasize hematogenously
poor overall prognosis
In 1985:
A revised histologic classification system
based primarily on the relation of tumor histology
not on the degree of cellular atypia
confusing and unclear metabolic behavior
controversial etiology & development
vague natural history & unknown incidence
Some Points
Most large series from major referral centers report 100-200 patients over 25 - 30 yrs.
Patients range from 8 months - 89 yrs of age
Median age of presentation is 52 yrs.
Thymomas occur equally in men & women
Racial or ethnic predominance has not been recognized
“A Mass in the Anterior Mediastinum”
Diagnostic studies: CXR & C.T. scan
Thymomas - Lipomas
Teratomas - Pericardial Cyst
Thyroid tissue - Morgagni Hernia
germ cell tumors (seminoma)
Thymoma Symptoms
Local Signs & Sx's
Due to invasion or compression of the mediastinum
Hoarseness, cough, chest pain, dyspnea, & SVC-syndrome
Usually due to advanced-stage disease
Systemic Signs & Sx's: the paraneoplastic syndromes
Appear early in the course of disease
Myasthenia gravis / Red-cell aplasia / Aplastic anemia / Hypogammaglobunemia
The paraneoplastic syndromes are thought to be related to an autoimmune-phenomenon
~ 30 % of patients with Myasthenia have a thymoma
role of thymectomy in Myasthenia is clear & convincing
however, this operation has NOT proven effective in treating the other forms
The most important factor in determining prognosis is the tumor stage at time of operation, which is best described by macro-invasiveness by the surgeon of record
Stage I, II, & IIb: macroscopically negative
Stage III, IVa, & IVb: macroscopically-invasive
Biopsy or “No-Biopsy”
85 % of patients will present with resectable disease and should proceed to extended thymectomy regardless of the biopsy result
these patients should be taken to the operating room without a tissue diagnosis and undergo en-bloc resection
patients with radiographic-unresectable disease may be candidates for open biopsy or core-biopsy
Surgical resection is the mainstay of treatment for thymoma
Following clinical stage, the most important determinant of recurrence is the ability of the operating surgeon to achieve a complete resection at the initial operation
Extended-resection, 5-yr. Survival: 80 - 98 %
The Extended Thymectomy
A direct mediastinal approach to allow for the
removes 95 - 98 % of all thymic tissue
based on Jaretzki's study of thymic-origin
Other Surgical Approaches
Transcervical Thymectomy
Video-assisted Thymectomy
Operative mortality in most series is 0 - 1 %
Permanent injury to the Phrenic or Recurrent nerves: 1 %
Most common complications: arrythmias, residual ptx, effusions
Other Modalities of Treatment
Primary Radiotherapy: “unresectable tumor” / SVC-syndrome
Adjuvant Radiotherapy: the standard of care for thymoma
thymomas are well-known to be radiosensitive
decreases recurrence by 5-fold across the board
glucocorticoids & platinum-based agents
controversial / lack of long-term trials
Myasthenia Gravis
25,000 patients in the U.S. population
2 - 80 yrs. of age (average age at surgery: 34 yrs)
2:1 female predominance
incidence of thymoma in M.G. pateints: 25 - 30 %
presents as progressive-generalized weakness
eyes: ptosis / diplopia
bulbar muscles: Dysphagia / dysarthria
proximal limbs
“A deficiency of Ach-receptors
First-line Tx: Medical
anticholinesterase agents: slow Ach breakdown
immunosuppressive agents: suppress antibody formation
plasmapheresis: removal of plasma-related factors
Thymectomy & Myasthenia Gravis
The treatment of choice for all patients with generalized sx's
Preceded by medical stabilization & optimization
Controversial with ocular-pt's (15 %)
The exact technical approach is dependent on preference
Modified Osserman Classification
Classes I – V
Following surgery, up to 96 % of pt's will improve by 1-2 classes
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