The Internet Journal of Nutrition and Wellness
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Olivier Wenker, MD, MBA, DEAA, ABAARM
Ret. Professor, The University of Texas
Adjunct Professor
The University of Texas School of Biomedical Informatics at Houston
Houston, Texas, USA
Founder and CEO, Current Beauty LLC
Editorial Board
Deepak Pahuja, MD, MBBS, FAAP
Clinic Attending and Hospitalist
Community Health Net
Hamot Medical Center
St Vincent Health Center
Mohamad Said Maani Takrouri, MD
Professor of Anesthesiology
Anesthesia Department
Medical College
King Saud University
Riyadh Saudi Arabia
Scott Andrew Johnson, ND, AMP, CPC
Bestselling author of "Surviving When Modern Medicine Fails: A definitive guide to essential oils that could save your life during a crisis," TransformWise: Your guide to a wise body transformation," "the Word of Wisdom: Discovering the LDS Code of Health," and "Jeremy's Christmas Journey" a book and musical CD
Reyed Mohamed Reyed, PhD
Human Gut Microecology and Human Microbiota Consultant
Probiotics Microbiology
Genetic Eng. & Biotechnology Research Institute,
Mubarak City for Scientific Research and Applied Technology
Alexandria Egypt
Sumeet Sharma
North East Animal Clinic
Christopher Breuleux, Ph.D., FAWHP, FACW
Founder and Director
Medical Wellness Association
Corporate Health & Training
Jeff Matheson, MDCM
Pure Life Science Corporation