Study Of Doctors' Opinion About Vitamin B-Complex Market With Respect To Injectable Dosage Forms
R Praveena, S Devi, A Asha
doctors, injectable dosage forms, org- marg reports, vitamin b-complex market
R Praveena, S Devi, A Asha. Study Of Doctors' Opinion About Vitamin B-Complex Market With Respect To Injectable Dosage Forms. The Internet Journal of Nutrition and Wellness. 2005 Volume 2 Number 2.
Vitamin B is the second vitamin discovered (first being vitamin A) and many different vitamin B compounds are grouped under the name B-complex. They are particularly important for nervous system. B-complex vitamins function as co-factors of various enzymes which regulate carbohydrate, protein and fat metabolism. ORG-MARG (Market research Company) reports indicated
Source Of Support
Al-Ameen College of Pharmacy, Bangalore.
Vitamin B is the second vitamin discovered by
Need For Study
The pharmaceutical market is dynamic and challenging. Only the fittest will survive. Parenteral nutrition market is one among them. If a company wants to introduce Vitamin B-complex injection, it would be absolutely necessary to estimate the market potential for the same. Minute differences between different players in vitamin B-complex market are brought about by companies marketing them. The companies can do this only by having thorough knowledge of competitor's product and doctor's view. This can be done by market research. This study attempted to determine the market potential for vitamin B-complex dosage forms. The objectives of the study are to find out how the existing brands of vitamin B-complex are positioned in the market, determine the market potential for vitamin B-complex injections, to find out doctor's view of Vitamin B-complex injections, to find out the gap existing between the different dosage forms of vitamin B-complex ,the different brands of Vitamin B-complex injections, to arrive at different suggestions for improvement of existing brands and feasibility of launching new Vitamin B-complex injection.
A survey was conducted by administering structured, non-disguised questionnaire to 100 doctors in different parts Bangalore city in India. The 100 doctors chosen included 20 physicians, 16 general practitioners, 16 surgeons, 10 diabetologists, 8 gynaecologists, 8 neurologists, 6 orthopaedicians, 5 TB specialists, 2 dermatologists, 2 oncologists, 2 cardiologists, 2 ENT specialists, 1 pediatrician, 1 opthalmologist and 1 gastroenterologist. The questionnaires were administered to them by way of personal interview. Some doctors volunteered to fill the questionnaire on their own, while some others gave answers orally which was noted down by the interviewee. A total of 120 doctors were interviewed of which only 100 questionnaires were chosen. The 20 questionnaires were deleted for various reasons like incompleteness, illegibility and absence of prescription for vitamin B-complex injections.
Results And Discussion
Of all the surveyed doctors, it was found that 42% of the doctors treat 11-20 patients per day, 2% of the doctors treat patients 41-50 patients per day and 3% of doctors treat above 50 patients per day. Maximum percentage of doctors (64%) gave 1-10 prescriptions of vitamin B-complex per day. Maximum numbers of prescriptions were given by 3% of doctors (physicians, surgeons and general practitioners). All the chosen doctors were found to be prescribing vitamin B-complex injections. This indicates 100% awareness and acceptance of the dosage form. Thirty six percent of doctors prescribe 11-20% vitamin B-complex injections. Out of total prescriptions for vitamin B-complex injections, more than 50% of B-complex injection prescriptions are given by 3% of doctors. Maximum percentage of prescriptions for vitamin B-complex injections were generated by physicians, surgeons and diabetologists. Majority of doctors (95%) did not encounter patient complaints with Vitamin B-complex injection. The problems faced by 5% of doctors included hypersensitivity and pain due to injection. Maximum percentages of prescriptions of Vitamin B-complex injections were for adults followed by elderly and pediatric patients respectively. The top brand of Vitamin B-complex injections was found to be Optineuron (Table: 1) with 266 points, closely followed by Neurobion with 234 points. The reasons for interchange of reports from ORG-MARG may be due to availability, preferred by doctors, reputation of the company and aggressive promotional strategies adopted by the company in the sample area. The other brands were Beplex forte in third position, closely followed by Eldervit and Polybion in order of preference. The most important prescribing factor was easy availability of brands followed by efficacy and brand name. Vitamin B-complex injection was mainly indicated in patients requiring parenteral nutrition, in post-operative surgery and those having GIT disorders and those with low immune system. The maximum co-prescribed drugs were antibiotics (97%) and NSAIDS (76%). Formulation/composition changes and availability are most important promotional strategies followed by companies opinioned by 74% and 56% doctors respectively (Graph: 1). Providing adequate literature was the most important suggestion for improving sales according to 56% of doctors (Graph: 2).The suggestions given by doctors include introduction of combipacks with Iron injections, vitamin C injections, calcium injections and antibiotics. Ensuring easy availability of the brand is another important technique for promotion suggested by 3% of the doctors. 47% of the doctors (Graph: 3) opined that a new brand of vitamin B-complex injection would have a very good future if launched. Only 19% of doctors felt that a new brand of vitamin B-complex injection was not required. Remaining 13% did not want to comment about feasibility of launching a new vitamin B-complex injection. Most of the doctors suggested that a new brand of vitamin B-complex injection would definitely make a mark in the market if it is introduced as a combipack with co-prescribed drugs along with ampoule cutters attractive literature. Aggressive promotion and easy availability of brands should be ensured to boost the sales of new brand.
Authors are thankful to Professor. B.G.Shivananda, Principal, Al-Ameen College of pharmacy, Bangalore, India, for providing facilities to carry out the study.Also authors wish to thank all the doctors in Bangalore city for their kind co-operation in carrying out this study.