Seizure Disorders: An Overview
N Sethi, J Torgovnick, E Arsura, P Sethi, D Labar
N Sethi, J Torgovnick, E Arsura, P Sethi, D Labar. Seizure Disorders: An Overview. The Internet Journal of Neurology. 2007 Volume 9 Number 1.
Epilepsy is among the commonest disorder encountered by neurologists in their day-to-day practice. It is characterized by the occurrence of at least two or more unprovoked seizures. Depending upon the location and propagation of this hyper-synchronous discharge of cortical neurons the clinical manifestations can be quite myriad. This overview shall cover the classification, pathophysiology, clinical semiology and treatment options available for different types of seizure disorders. The various epileptic syndromes including ones manifesting in the pediatric age group are also discussed.
Incidence and prevalence of epilepsy
Epilepsy is among the most common neurological disorders encountered by physicians. The incidence and prevalence of epilepsy has varied in different studies from different parts of the world. This is mainly due to differences in inclusion and exclusion criteria, classification and diagnosis. Some patients never seek treatment while others are unaware that they have seizures. Even attentive and doting parents may miss childhood absence seizures while patients with myoclonic jerks of Juvenile Myoclonic Epilepsy (JME) may initially be thought to be jittery or clumsy till a generalized convulsion leads to the correct diagnosis. In most of the studies from the developed countries the overall incidence of epilepsy has been reported to be around 50 cases per 100,000 persons per year (range 40-70 per 100,000 per year). Studies have shown a higher incidence of epilepsy in developing countries as compared to the developed ones- more than 100/100,000 versus less than 50/100,000.
Good epidemiological studies are lacking from the developing and underdeveloped countries of Asia and Africa. A meta-analysis of studies put the overall prevalence rate of epilepsy in India at 5.59 per 1,000 population 1 . General prevalence was found to be 11.3 per 1,000 in a study from Colombia with little variation among regions 2 . A house-to-house cross-sectional population study of epilepsy from Pakistan on 24,130 individuals found an age-specific prevalence rate of 9.99 per 1,000 (14.8 per 1,000 in rural and 7.4 per 1000 in urban areas) 3 . Another epidemiological study of epilepsy in young Singaporean men indicated a lifetime prevalence of 4.9/1000 males by age 18 years 4 .
Various factors influence the incidence and prevalence of seizures. With more people living well into their 80's in the West, cerebrovascular disease (stroke) is becoming an increasingly common cause of seizures while in developing countries like India neurocysticercosis is the most common cause of acquired epilepsy in the younger age groups.
Classification of Epilepsy and Epilepsy syndromes
The International League Against Epilepsy (ILAE) classification (1981) is based on clinical semiology and EEG characteristics and not on pathophysiology or anatomical correlates. Under this scheme, seizures were classified as follows:
Partial seizures/ focal seizures
Simple Partial Seizures (no impairment in consciousness)
with motor symptoms or signs
with sensory symptoms
with autonomic manifestations
with psychic manifestations
Complex Partial Seizures also called temporal lobe seizures (have impairment in consciousness): can be complex partial at onset or be simple partial at onset followed by impairment in consciousness.
Partial seizures with secondary generalization
simple partial seizures with secondary generalization
complex partial seizures with secondary generalization
simple partial evolving to complex partial seizure followed by secondary generalization.
Generalized seizures
Absence or Petit Mal seizures
Typical Absence seizures
Atypical Absence seizures
Tonic-clonic seizures
Atonic seizures
Clonic seizures
Tonic seizures
Myoclonic seizures
Myoclonic absence seizures
Myoclonic atonic seizures
Reflex seizures in generalized syndromes
Unclassified seizures
febrile convulsions
Continuous seizures (status epilepticus)
Generalized status epilepticus
Generalized tonic-clonic status epilepticus
Generalized Absence/ Petit Mal status epilepticus
Clonic status epilepticus
Tonic status epilepticus
Myoclonic status epilepticus
Focal status epilepticus
Epilepsia partialis continua
Psychomotor (limbic) status
Continuous aura ( aura continua)
Hemiconvulsive status with hemiparesis
Reflex Epilepsies
Photosensitive/ visual sensitive epilepsy ( flickering lights and other visual patterns)
Music epilepsy
Eating epilepsy
Hot water epilepsy
Startle epilepsy
Reading epilepsy
Epilepsy Syndromes
Childhood epilepsy syndromes (benign)
Benign familial neonatal seizures
Benign familial and non-familial infantile seizures
Benign childhood epilepsy with centrotemporal spikes (Benign Rolandic Epilepsy)
Early onset benign childhood occipital epilepsy (Panayiotopoulos type)
Late onset childhood occipital epilepsy (Gastaut type)
Benign myoclonic epilepsy of infancy
Childhood absence epilepsy
Childhood epilepsy Syndromes (malignant/poor prognosis)/ Catastrophic childhood epilepsies
Ohtahara syndrome
West Syndrome
Lennox-Gastaut Syndrome
Early myoclonic encephalopathy of childhood
Dravet's syndrome
Progressive myoclonic epilepsies
Landau-Kleffner Syndrome
Epilepsy with continuous spike and wave during slow wave sleep
Juvenile Myoclonic Epilepsy
Juvenile Absence Epilepsy
Mesial temporal lobe Epilepsy with hippocampal sclerosis
Autosomal dominant nocturnal frontal lobe epilepsy
Generalized seizures
Generalized seizures affect both the cerebral hemispheres right from the onset of the seizure. Thus they are associated with loss of consciousness which may be very brief as in absence seizures or more prolonged leading to loss of body tone. They can be further subclassified on the basis of the clinical semiology as generalized tonic-clonic, generalized tonic, generalized clonic, atonic, myoclonic or absence seizures. A generalized tonic-clonic seizure involves loss of consciousness followed by tonic posturing of the arms and legs. Rhythmic in-phase clonic jerks are then seen and the patient may bite his tongue. Bladder incontinence may occur in either the tonic or the clonic stage of the seizure. As the seizure ends the patient is noted to have drooling from the mouth, sonorous respirations and usually falls asleep.
Electrographically generalized tonic-clonic seizures are characterized by an abrupt change in the background EEG and the appearance of generalized sharp waves which increase in frequency and then evolve to spread over the entire hemispheres. As the clonic jerks start the EEG usually is distorted by superimposed muscle and motion artifact. Following seizure offset diffuse attenuation and slowing is noted and then the EEG slowly reverts to its pre-ictal pattern.
Absence seizures
Childhood absence seizures usually start at the age of 3-5 years and remit by 12-15 years of age. Clinically these seizures may be very subtle and may be missed by even attentive and dotting parents. Usually the child first comes to medical attention due to complaints of day-dreaming or staring at school resulting in poor school performance. The inter-ictal and ictal EEG is characterized by 3 Hz generalized spike and wave discharges with an abrupt onset and offset and a normal background. No post ictal slowing or attenuation of the EEG record is noted. Duration of inter-ictal discharges varies but is usually 3-5 seconds. As the duration of the discharge increased clinical manifestations of staring and automatisms are noted. There is no post-ictal confusion and the child is immediately back to normal once the seizure ends. Childhood absence epilepsy may have significant effects on the psychosocial development of the child and hence treatment is warranted. Treatment with ethosuximide, valproic acid or lamotrigine is efficacious.
Myoclonic seizures
Myoclonic seizures are characterized by sudden shock like movements involving the arms and legs or the entire torso. The jerks may at times be so violent so as to throw the patient off balance. Myoclonic jerks are an integral part of Juvenile Myoclonic Epilepsy (JME) Syndrome. JME is characterized by multiplicity of seizure types including absence seizures, generalized tonic-clonic convulsions and myoclonic seizures. The history of myoclonic jerks may not be volunteered unless specifically asked for and it is usually the generalized convulsion which first brings the patient to medical attention. Electrographically these seizures are characterized by generalized spike and wave and polyspikes and wave discharges which are time-locked to the jerks. There is usually a clustering of these myoclonic jerks in the early hours of the morning after the patient wakes up. JME has a good prognosis and the seizures are readily controlled by valproic acid.
As against JME, the progressive myoclonic epilepsies are characterized by progressive neurological impairment and a poor prognosis. The various progressive myoclonic epilepsies include:
Early myoclonic epilepsy of infancy
Dravet's syndrome
Unverricht- Lundborg disease (Baltic myoclonus)
Lafora disease
Atonic seizures
As the name suggests, atonic seizures are characterized by loss of muscle tone. They have also been called drop
The ictal EEG is characterized by a generalized high amplitude spike or polyspike and wave discharge followed by diffuse attenuation. Other patterns described include low or high voltage fast activity or a burst of polyspikes. Video EEG may be of exceptional help in separating atonic seizures from drop attacks of non-epileptic origin.
Partial seizures
Simple Partial seizures are characterized by no impairment in consciousness. They may either be motor characterized by clonic movements or stiffening of an arm or leg. The seizure may spread further to involve adjacent body parts a phenomena called the Jacksonian march.
Complex partial seizures
Complex Partial seizures are among the commonest seizures encountered in the adult population. They are characterized by an impairment in consciousness during the ictal event usually followed by post-ictal confusion. In as many as 55-65% of patients the seizures are preceded by auras which may give an indication to the location of seizure focus. Special sensory auras like visual, gustatory and vertiginous have been more frequently described in extratemporal epilepsy while viscerosensorial and experiential auras occur in temporal lobe epilepsy. Feelings of fear and dread have been reported with seizures originating from the mesial temporal structures. Olfactory auras though rare may indicate pathology of the amygdala and hippocampus 5 . A neuroimaging study ideally a MRI with thin coronal cuts through the temporal lobe should be performed in every patient who has experienced a complex partial seizure especially new onset seizure in the older age group to detect focal space occupying lesions. Inter-ictal EEG may reveal epileptiform sharp waves and spike and wave discharges and thus the site of the seizure focus. A negative inter-ictal EEG does not exclude the diagnosis of epilepsy. In cases where the EEG is negative but clinical suspicion for seizures is high, prolonged video-EEG monitoring may be useful. Ambulatory EEG may be used in some instances but is not as sensitive as video-EEG monitoring with the studies frequently contaminated by significant motion and muscle artifact making interpretation of the record difficult. Further seizure semiology cannot be determined in an ambulatory study.
Mesial temporal sclerosis (MTS) is the most common pathologic substrate found in the majority of the temporal lobectomy specimens obtained in connection with temporal lobe epilepsy surgery. Classic Ammon horn sclerosis involves neuronal loss restricted to the CA1 (Sommer sector) and CA4 fields while in total Ammon horn sclerosis neuronal loss is seen in all the zones of the hippocampus (CA1-CA4). MRI diagnosis of MTS is based on occurrence of hippocampal atrophy on T1 weighted images or an increase in the mesial temporal signal intensity on fluid-attenuated and inversion recovery sequences (FLAIR) or T2 sequences. Whether MTS is the cause or the effect of long term seizures is still not known. MRI detected evidence of MTS has been recently reported in patients with sporadic benign temporal lobe epilepsy 6 . Patients with temporal lobe epilepsy due to MTS usually have medically intractable seizures. They should be given a short trial of standard frontline anti-epileptic drug therapy and if they fail to have an adequate response should be worked up for epilepsy surgery.
Surgical outcomes after temporal lobe surgery vary. In an analysis of outcomes in 126 children who underwent temporal lobe surgery for intractable epilepsy, Benifla found an Engel Class I or II outcome in 74% of the patients. Patients with temporal lobe lesions [low-grade brain tumors like ganglioglioma and astrocytoma in 65 (52%), cavernous malformations in 4, MTS in 16 (13%), astrogliosis in 15 (12%), and cortical dysplasia in eight (7%)] had better outcomes compared with those without lesions. Complications in the form of contralateral homonymous hemianopsia, dysphasia, and infection were reported in 5% of patients. Twelve of their patients had a second temporal lobe procedure for intractable recurrent seizures 7 . Grivas reported their series of 52 patients over the age of 50 years. 40 underwent amydalohippocampectomies (33 for hippcampal sclerosis, 7 for mesiotemporal lesions). Five lateral temporal lesionectomies plus amygdalohippocampectomy, and seven anterior temporal lobectomies were performed. The mean follow up period was 33 months and the results were compared with a younger cohort operated in the same time period. 37 older patients attained complete seizure control (71% class I), 10 patients had rare postoperative seizures (19% class II), 4 patients improved > 75% (8% class III) while one patient did not improve (2% class IV). The results did not differ from those in the younger age group. There was no peri-operative mortality and a 3.8% permanent neurologic morbidity (dysphasia, hemianopia and hemiparesis) was reported. Importantly neuropsychological testing revealed low preoperative performances with some further deterioration after surgery 8 . Clusmann et al found that five factors were predictive for good seizure control after temporal lobe surgery: 1) clear abnormality on MR images; 2) absence of status epilepticus; 3) MR imaging-confirmed ganglioglioma or dysplastic neuroepithelial tumor (DNT) 4) concordant lateralizing memory deficit; and 5) absence of dysplasia on MR images 9 .
Epilepsy Syndromes of childhood
Newer Options for Treatment of Epilepsy:
Epilepsy is a common neurological disorder with high incidence rates in all countries of the world. Most of the seizures can be readily controlled with conventional anti-epileptic drug therapy. Exciting new developments are underway in the field of epilepsy.
Correspondence to
NK Sethi, MD Department of Neurology Comprehensive Epilepsy Center NYP-Weill Cornell Medical Center 525 East, 68 th Street New York, NY 10021 (U.S.A.) E-mail: