Treatment of Epilepsy: A Review Of Antiepileptic Drugs
N Sethi, D Labar, J Torgovnick, P Sethi, E Arsura, E Soto
N Sethi, D Labar, J Torgovnick, P Sethi, E Arsura, E Soto. Treatment of Epilepsy: A Review Of Antiepileptic Drugs. The Internet Journal of Neurology. 2007 Volume 9 Number 1.
Epilepsy is among the most common disorders encountered by neurologists in their day-to-day practice. It is characterized by the occurrence of at least two or more unprovoked seizures. Effective treatment of epilepsy begins with a correct characterization of the patient's seizure type. Modern treatment of seizures involves the use of an antiepileptic drug (AED) tailored to the patient's seizure type. In medically refractory epilepsy more radical treatment in the form of epilepsy surgery, vagal nerve stimulator (VNS), deep brain stimulator (DBS) and responsive nerve stimulator (RNS) may be offered. This article shall discuss the pharmacological management aspects of epilepsy.
Treatment of Epilepsy
Epilepsy as a disease has been recognized in the earliest medical writings of Hippocrates who refers to it as the Sacred Disease. The treatment of epilepsy has also evolved through the ages. In the ancient times when the mechanisms and pathogenesis of epilepsy was poorly understood treatment consisted of prayers and rituals to rid the patient of evil spirits. Over the years treatment of epilepsy has expanded to include various drug options.
For over eight decades, antiepileptic drugs have been successfully used for treatment of epilepsy. Effective use of antiepileptic drugs involves careful consideration of a patient's particular seizure type in conjunction with monitoring of drug levels and meticulous attention to side effects. Adequate seizure control can be achieved in the majority of patients with epilepsy. The future for patients with epilepsy looks promising as new drugs are developed and more experience is gained with newer modalities such as