Neuroclinical Anatomy of the third Cranial Nerve
T Rabiu
edinger-westphal nucleus, neuroanatomy, oculomotor nerve, oculomotor nucleus, pupillary light reflex, third cranial nerve
T Rabiu. Neuroclinical Anatomy of the third Cranial Nerve. The Internet Journal of Neurology. 2009 Volume 12 Number 2.
The oculomotor (third) cranial nerve arises from the upper part of the mesencephalon (midbrain). It carries both a somatic efferent (motor) supply to some of the extra-ocular muscles and a general visceral efferent (parasympathetic) supply to the sphincter pupillae and ciliaris muscles. Its contribution to the pupillary light reflex represents an important aspect of its function and is an essential component of the evaluation of neurological patients. This paper reviews the neuroclinical aspects of the nerve’s anatomy and and provides easily understandable guidance to an effective assessment of its dysfunction. The contributions of the third cranial nerve to pupillary reaction to light, the changes in pupillary size reflecting the various stages of its dysfunction in intracranial pathologies, and its association with neurotrauma as well as some of the eponymous syndromes associated with it are discussed.
Oculomototor (third cranial nerve) palsy is one of the most-commonly encountered cranial nerve deficits in clinical practice. Milanes-Rodriguez and his colleagues1 have given a concise description of the origin and course of the nerve. It is the first nerve to arise from the brain stem (the first {olfactory} and second {optic} nerves arise in the nasal olfactory epithelium and ganglion cells of the neural retina respectively)2. The classic finding in third nerve palsy is ptosis and downwards and outwards position of the ipsilateral eye (looking down and out).(Fig. 1)
Fibers and nuclei
The dysfunction of the nerve includes that of the peripherally located fibers mediating pupillary constriction (parasympathetic supply to the sphincter pupillae muscles) as well as the motor supply to all extra-ocular muscles with the exception of the superior oblique (supplied by the fourth cranial {trochlear} nerve) and the lateral rectus (supplied by the sixth cranial {abducens} nerve) muscles. (A useful mnemonics is LR6, SO4; that is,
The Pupil in third nerve palsy
An examination of the pupil provides a good insight into the functional status of the oculomotor nerve. Specifically, the pupillary light reflect assesses both the optic nerve (afferent) as well as the oculomotor nerve (efferent). As such, the absence of direct light reflex in the ipsilateral eye in the presence of consensual light reflect in the contralateral eye indicates a third nerve deficit rather than an optic nerve problem. In the patient with acute traumatic brain injury, this finding is highly indicative of brainstem compression.
Incomplete or partial oculomotor nerve paresis can be pupil-sparing or non-pupil sparing. This phenomenom is a reflection of the topographic arrangements of the nerve fibers. The fibers supplying the sphincter pupillae muscles are located peripherally and are therefore affected early in extrinsic compression of the nerve3 by, for example, posterior communicating artery aneurysm, tumours and brainstem herniation in intracranial mass lesions. In contrast, intrinsic lesions of the nerve, affecting the inner fibers which supply the extra-ocular muscles, spares the pupillary fibers (and therefore the pupillary light reflex is preserved) until very late in the course of the disease. This commonly results from micro-ischaemia as caused by, for example, diabetes mellitus, atherosclerosis (as in chronic hypertension), temporal arteritis and myasthenia gravis4. Rarely, pupil-sparing oculomotor palsy has been described following an intra-axial lesion such as midbrain infarction5.
Pupillary changes in uncal herniation in neurotrauma, brain tumours or other intracranial supratentorial space occupying lesions may be staged6 as follows:
Hutchinson’s stage I: ipsilateral miosis due to oculomotor nerve irritation
Hutchinson’s stage II: oculomotor nerve paresis causing ipsilateral pupillary dilatation and a sluggish response to light
Hutchinson’s stage III: Progressive dilatation of the ipsilateral pupil and miosis of the contralateral pupil (heralds progressive third nerve palsy due to temporal lobe herniation)
Hutchinson’s stage IV: bilateral dilation of the pupil (terminal stage)
The Third Nerve in Head Injury
Head injuries are a major cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide. It is estimated that a head injury occurs every 15 seconds and a patient dies of head injury every 12 minutes7. Its incidence has been reported as 109 per 100,000 population8. While road traffic accidents are the leading cause of head injury worldwide7, the contribution of war and conflicts are nonetheless very significant. In the Iraqi war, an estimated 1700 military personnel were thought to have sustained this injury to varying degrees9.
Cranial nerve injuries are common in head injuries. The incidence of oculomotor nerve damage in head injury has been reported as 2.7% in one study10. The nerve may be damaged directly by, for example, skull fractures or brainstem haematoma involving its nuclei (Fig. 2) or indirectly by intracranial mass lesion, such as an haematoma (Fig. 2) which cause uncal herniations and pressure on it.
Figure 2
Depending on the affected part of the nerve, the injury might be complete or partial. Lesions in the orbit tend to affect the branches of the nerve in unequal proportion. Lesions affecting the superior division of the nerve cause ptosis and impaired elevation of the eye while those of the inferior division cause impairment of depression, adduction and pupillary reaction4.
Eponymous Syndromes
Lesions affecting the midbrain (mesencephalon) may present with disorders of the oculomotor nerve functions in combination with other deficits11, in particular, motor deficits may be concomitant findings as a result of the involvement of the descending corticospinal tracts by such lesions. Though mostly described for vascular lesions such as cerebrovascular disease (CVD), the syndromes may also be found in traumatic injury of the midbrain. (
The third cranial nerve provides an essential and invaluable guide in the accurate assessment of the neurological patient. An understanding of the various clinical presentations of its disorder is essential to accurately localize the cause of the deficit as well as the location of the offending lesion.