Psychological Interventions For Psychosis: A Critical Review Of The Current Evidence
E Grech
medicine, mental health
E Grech. Psychological Interventions For Psychosis: A Critical Review Of The Current Evidence. The Internet Journal of Mental Health. 2001 Volume 1 Number 2.
In this review, the current evidence for psychological interventions is critically appraised. Studies differ in both the techniques employed in therapy and the specific goals of treatment. Targeted outcomes include measures of overall symptomatology, social functioning and relapse rates. Whilst some researchers have focused on dysfunctional schemas, interventions range from an emphasis on problem solving and coping strategies, to the rational exploration of delusional beliefs and the use of reality testing. In short, there are broad variations in what is being tested and for whom.
The review reflects the results of a literature search using the keywords "psychological", "psychosocial", "psychotherapy" and "schizophrenia." Reference lists of retrieved papers were also examined for further relevant material. Lack of space permits a detailed examination of CBT alone, although an additional, closely related intervention is given consideration. Studies are divided into those focusing on unremitting, medication-resistant symptoms and those focusing on acute episodes of psychosis.
Following the introduction of phenothiazines in the 1960's, psychiatry became increasingly divided into adherents of the psychodynamic and biological approaches (Fenton, 2000). Discordant ideological and scientific debates formed around the value of intensive psychotherapy versus medication. However, the past decade has seen a shift away from these ideological disputes towards an understanding that no single treatment can improve the symptoms of schizophrenia. Today, evidenced-based treatment is considered the standard for psychiatry. Hence, the scientific documentation of efficacy forms the basis upon which treatments are either considered viable or rejected (Carpenter, 2001).
Although neuroleptic medication remains the principal treatment for psychosis, between 25-50% of sufferers will continue to experience persistent and distressing symptoms (Garety
Individual Psychotherapy For Schizophrenia
Fenton (2000) provides both a comprehensive, historical account of the theory of individual psychotherapy for schizophrenia and a literature review of studies evaluating its efficacy. He warns against the search for a single common component to effective psychotherapy, believing that it could lead to a return of acrimonious ideological debate, thus obscuring further research. Such dogmatic adherence to a single technique applied to all patients is considered damaging and unhelpful (Fenton & McGlashan, 2000).
Malmberg and Fenton (2002) find no evidence to support any positive effect of psychodynamic, insight-orientated therapy for schizophrenia and comment that the possibility of negative effects seems never to have been considered. Similarly, Fenton (2000) finds little evidence to indicate a clear advantage of psychodynamic therapy over medication. Out of the six trials reviewed during the psychotherapy versus biology debate, the most promising approach proved to be the least analytical. Overall, groups treated with medication always demonstrated superior outcomes, whether or not psychotherapy was offered. However, positive outcomes were found for an approach that focused on the specific and current problems adversely affecting the patient's functioning. Here began a move away from treatments founded on pychogenic aetiology, towards problem solving, cognitive-behavioural interventions.
Current Research
In this review, the current evidence for psychological interventions is critically appraised. Studies differ in both the techniques employed in therapy and the specific goals of treatment. Targeted outcomes include measures of overall symptomatology, social functioning and relapse rates. Whilst some researchers have focused on dysfunctional schemas, interventions range from an emphasis on problem solving and coping strategies, to the rational exploration of delusional beliefs and the use of reality testing. In short, there are broad variations in what is being tested and for whom.
The review reflects the results of a literature search using the keywords “psychological”, “psychosocial”, “psychotherapy” and “schizophrenia.” Reference lists of retrieved papers were also examined for further relevant material. Lack of space permits a detailed examination of CBT alone, although an additional, closely related intervention is given consideration. Studies are divided into those focusing on unremitting, medication-resistant symptoms and those focusing on acute episodes of psychosis.
Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy
Cognitive-behavioural therapy was developed for the treatment of neurotic disorders, such as anxiety and depression. As its efficacy in this area has grown (Haddock
Interventions For Unremitting Psychotic Symptoms
An investigation into whether intensive CBT results in significant improvements in psychotic symptoms and relapse rates was conducted by Tarrier
However, in a subsequent paper, describing a 12-month follow-up study (Tarrier
A long-term trial of CBT is reported by Wiersma
Complete disappearance of hallucinations occurred for 18% of patients, whilst 60% sustained improvement with regard to anxiety, loss of control and disturbance of thought. These effects generalised to daily functioning, with 67% showing sustained improvement in this area. However, the authors found that in a few cases, “booster sessions” were needed to strengthen these skills and enhance coping abilities in specific social situations.
In a 60-patient trial over nine months comparing CBT and standard care to standard care alone, no such generalisation into daily functioning was found (Kuipers
Although encouraging results were reported, the authors found that the therapeutic aims were achieved in part only. At the end of intervention, 64% of the treatment group compared to 47% of the control group achieved clinically significant improvements, produced mainly by changes in delusional distress and frequency of hallucinations (Kuipers
The study suffers a number of methodological problems and limitations. Whilst independent of the trial, assessors were not blind to treatment allocation. Furthermore, no control intervention was offered. Thus in comparing CBT to standard care, any non-specific factors inherent in the therapeutic relationship remained uncontrolled. The authors indicate a “proactive outreach” approach was employed to follow-up non-attenders. Although additional therapy costs were offset by a reduction in service utilisation, no robust data is given to demonstrate the degree to which this approach was utilised, hence only limited conclusions can be drawn regarding its value to the clinical setting. Similarly, a specialised therapeutic style was adopted by highly experienced clinical psychologists, further questioning the duplication of the study's findings. Finally, the control group demonstrated higher baseline levels of self-esteem.
In a study designed to overcome many of these limitations, Sensky
The aims of therapy for the CBT group focused on reducing distress and disability and treating coexisting depression. As detailed in the authors' chosen treatment manual (Kingdon & Turkington, 1994), for those patients with systematised delusions this was achieved by working at the schema level, beneath the resistant psychotic symptoms. Both duration and frequency of sessions were flexible to accommodate individual patient's needs, however therapists aimed for at least 45 minutes per week for the fist two months, at which point session frequency was reduced. The control group received an equal amount of therapist contact, with therapists aiming to provide empathic, nondirective support.
The authors found that both CBT and the supportive intervention led to clinically significant improvements in positive and negative symptoms at the end of treatment. However, in accordance with Tarrier
A strength of this study is that these outcomes appear replicable outside the research setting. Experienced psychiatric nurses with recognised CBT qualifications, rather than psychiatrists administered treatment, suggesting the need for generalised training amongst health care professionals. Furthermore, therapy sessions were not overly intensive and thus may be achievable in community mental health teams or the ward environment. However, as the authors admit, patients were selected to “represent the group most likely to benefit from direct effects of CBT”, hence those with evidence of poor medication compliance were excluded. Given that non-compliance has been estimated at between 35-80% and is associated with 43% of admissions to psychiatric wards (Perkins & Repper, 1999), this limits the application of the study.
Interventions For Acute Psychosis
Despite the predominance of research in the area of post-acute, drug-refractory schizophrenia, there is evidence that psychological interventions may also facilitate recovery from an acute episode. In a five-year study, Drury
In the initial trial (Drury
Initially, the study produced promising results. CBT resulted in a significantly faster and more complete recovery from the psychotic episode. At nine-month follow-up, 95% of clients in the intervention group showed significant improvements in positive symptoms. This compared to 44% of the control group. Both groups showed similar improvements in negative symptoms. A marked reduction in delusional conviction was found but no corresponding reduction in preoccupation with delusional beliefs. Furthermore, depending on the definition of recovery from the acute phase of illness, a 25-50% reduction in recovery time was achieved (Drury
Encouraging results in relapse prevention were found by Kemp
The study population was drawn from consecutive admissions to a ward of the Maudsley Hospital over a 14-month period. Seventy-four clients with acute psychosis received a total of 4-6 sessions of compliance therapy twice weekly or the control treatment of non-specific counselling. The importance of treatment alliance and client participation in care is well recognised (Olfson, 2000), hence the study is clinical meaningful. Whilst reliable assessment instruments were used and robust baseline data obtained, limitations of the study include an overall 35% drop-out rate during the 18-month follow-up period. Furthermore, a researcher who was not blind to treatment status made initial and three-month follow-up ratings. At subsequent 12 and 18-month ratings, however, researchers were blind to treatment status. Compliance was measured by corroborating evidence from a number of independent sources such as relatives, family practitioner and CPN's. However, no direct compliance measures, such as urine or blood analysis, were employed, as these were either unavailable for all medication types or were considered excessively invasive.
The authors found that the goals of compliance therapy were achieved. For the treatment group, significant improvements in insight, compliance and attitudes to treatment were found. Similarly, advantages in social functioning and an increased number of days before readmission were reported. However, both intervention and control groups performed similarly in terms of significant improvements in positive and negative psychotic symptoms. Whilst having no difference in baseline psychiatric symptoms, the patients who dropped-out had lower baseline insight ratings and more severe extra-pyramidal side effects. Despite the high drop-out rate, the researchers comment that compliance therapy was generally acceptable to patients and proved adaptable to the busy clinical environment. Predictors of good outcome were voluntary status on admission, fewer side effects and, in contrast to Garety
Overall, the studies reviewed here are consistent in demonstrating the benefits of well-developed cognitive interventions for sufferers of schizophrenia. Less evident are the benefits of non-specific, supportive counselling, although this also appears to offer some advantages over routine care. Effects tend to be specific to the domain of positive symptoms, such as delusions and hallucinations. In this area, problem-solving, symptom-focused approaches appear effective, as do those based on the modification of dysfunctional schemas. Fewer trials demonstrate benefits in terms of negative symptoms. The debilitating effects on social functioning caused by schizophrenia appear more resilient and impervious to therapeutic change. However, conflicting results in this area suggest the means by which these interventions achieve therapeutic change is not well understood.
Evidence that cognitive interventions achieve a high satisfaction rate with clients (Kuipers, 1997; Kemp