Production of Cellulase by Aspergillus niger on natural and pretreated lignocellulosic wastes
A Sridevi, G Narasimha, B Rajasekhar Reddy
aspergillus niger, cellulase, lignocellulosics, pre-treatment
A Sridevi, G Narasimha, B Rajasekhar Reddy. Production of Cellulase by Aspergillus niger on natural and pretreated lignocellulosic wastes. The Internet Journal of Microbiology. 2008 Volume 7 Number 1.
Growth of
Cellulose is the major polysaccharide constituent of plant cell wall and one of the most abundant available organic compounds in the biosphere and its estimated synthesis rate of 10 10 tones per year (Schlesinger, 1991; Singh and Hayashi, 1995; Lynd
In view of biotechnological importance of cellulase, this study was focused on the production of cellulase on natural and pretreated cheap locally available lignocelluloses in submerged fermentation in a laboratory scale by the local isolate of
Materials And Methods
A local isolate of
Collection of lignocelluloses
Different native lignocelluloses like saw dust, wheat straw, sugarcane bagasse and rice bran were collected from the industries located around in Nandyal, Andhra Pradesh, India. They were sorted and then washed under running tap water to remove sand and other dirt particles. All these samples were sun-dried for about two weeks and then milled into a powder form.
Production of cellulase on native lignocelluloses
The different native lignocelluloses (saw dust, wheat straw, sugarcane bagasse and rice bran) were added at the rate of 0.5 %( W/V) level to each 250 ml Erlenmeyer conical flasks in which 50ml of Czapek-Dox liquid medium was distributed. Flasks containing Czapek-Dox liquid medium amended with 0.5% (W/V) cellulose instead of lignocellulose served as control. All these flasks were incubated at 30°C on a rotary shaker (180rpm) under axenic conditions after inoculating with a spore suspension ( 2 x 10 8 ) of
Pretreatment of lignocelluloses
Removal of components of lignin and hemicellulose may improve the production of cellulolytic enzymes. Therefore these components were removed from these lignocelluloses by two selected pretreatment processes. The lignocelluloses (saw dust, wheat straw, sugarcane bagasse and rice bran) used in this study were pretreated by two different pretreatment processes, NaOH method and H2O2 methods.
In NaOH method, each lignocelluloses were treated with 50ml NaOH (1%W/Vof distilled water) for 1 hr in an autoclave at 121 o C and filtered through Whattman No.1filter paper and washed with water until washings turned neutral. The treated samples were dried at 110 o C overnight in oven, where as in H2O2 method, 1g of each sample was treated with alkaline peroxide in 50ml of distilled water containing H2O2 1%(W/V). The suspension was adjusted to pH 11.5 with NaOH and stirred gently at room temperature (25 o C) for 20 hr. The insoluble residue was collected by filtration, washed with distilled water until neutrality. The treated samples were dried at 110 o C overnight (Gould, 1984).
Production of cellulase on pretreated lignocelluloses
Fifty milliliters of Czapek-Dox liquid medium were distributed into 250 ml Erlenmeyer conical flasks. The treated lignocelluloses were added to these flasks at 0.5%(w/v) level. Flasks containing Czapek-Dox liquid medium amended with untreated lignocelluloses at 0.5%(W/V) served as controls. All flasks were inoculated with spores of
Dry weight determination
Dry weight of the samples was determined by drying them in a hot air oven at 70°C for 24hr.
Estimation of extracellular protein content
Soluble protein contents were determined in the filterate by the method of Lowry
Esimation of total soluble sugar content
The estimation of total soluble sugar content was according to the method of Miller (1959) using glucose was as sugar standard.
pH measurement
pH was measured in the filtrate after desired intervals by using pH meter(ELICO).
Enzyme assays
The filtrate obtained after removal of mycelial mat by filtration through Whatman Filter paper No.1 was used as an enzyme source. Flasks with the growing culture of
Activities of individual enzyme components of cellulase system secreted into the culture medium of
Filter paper assay
Filter paper activity of the culture filtrate of
Endoglucanase assay
Activity of endoglucanase in the culture filtrate was quantified by carboxymethyl cellulase method (Ghosh, 1987).
The reaction mixture with 1.0 ml of 1% carboxymethyl cellulose in 0.2 M acetate buffer (pH 5.0) was pre-incubated at 50°C in a water bath for 20 minutes. An aliquot of 0.5 ml of culture filtrate with appropriate dilution was added to the reaction mixture and incubated at 50°C in water bath for one hr. Appropriate control without of enzyme were simultaneously run. The reducing sugar produced in the reaction mixture was determined by dinitro salicylic acid (DNS) method (Miller, 1959). 3,5-Dinitro-salicylic acid reagent was added to aliquots of the reaction mixture and the color developed was read at wavelength 540 nm in a Spectrophotometer(ELICO-SL164). One unit of endoglucanase activity was defined as the amount of enzyme releasing 1 µmole of reducing sugar per minute.
β-D-Glucosidase assay
Activity of β-glucosidase activity in the culture filtrate was based on the method of Herr (1979). For the determination of β-D-glucosidase activity the assay mixture contained 0.2 ml of 5 mM
Comparison of different lignocelluloses for cellulase production from A. niger
Values represented in the Table are averages of results of two experiments.
a. Filter paperase (FPase) is expressed in terms of filter paper units. One unit is the amount of enzyme in the culture filtrate releasing 1µmole of reducing sugar from filter paper per min.
b. Carboxymethyl cellulase (CMCase) is expressed in terms of units. One unit is the amount of enzyme releasing 1 µmole of reducing sugar from carboxymethyl cellulose per min.
c. One unit of β-glucosidase activity is defined as the amount of enzyme liberating 1µmole of
d. Contained cellulose at 0.5% (w/v) instead of lignocellulose.
Comparision of pH changes in the medium during the incubation period of
The production of acidic metabolites
Effect of natural lignocelluloses on the Production of biomass of
Figure 1 showed that the biomass was reached to maximum in the medium with wheat straw after 14 days of incubation, but after 21 days of incubation biomass was more in medium with rice bran as substrate.
Effect of natural lignocelluloses on the Secretion of extracellular protein by
High amount of extracellular protein was secreted in wheat straw supported medium after 14 days of incubation(Figure 2)
Effect of natural lignocelluloses on the release of total soluble sugar by
Figure 3 showed that high amount of soluble sugar was released in medium with wheat straw after 14 days of incubation.
Effect of natural and pretreated lignocelluloses on the Production of biomass of
More biomass was achieved in medium with treated sawdust after 21 days of incubation, but less than that of the medium with native rice bran in the same incubation period(Figure 4).
Effect of natural and pretreated lignocelluloses on the Secretion of extracellular protein by
Secretion of extracellular protein was high in medium with native wheat straw after 14 days of incubation(Figure 5)
Effect of natural and pretreated lignocelluloses on the release of total soluble sugar by
Figure 6 showed that release of soluble sugar was more in medium with treated wheat straw after 14 days of incubation.
Comparison of different native and pretreated lignocelluloses for cellulase production from A. niger
Values represented in the Table are averages of results of two experiments.
a. Filter paperase (FPase) is expressed in terms of filter paper units. One unit is the amount of enzyme in the culture filtrate releasing 1 µmole of reducing sugar from filter paper per min.
b. Carboxymethyl cellulase (CMCase) is expressed in terms of units. One unit is the amount of enzyme releasing 1 µmole of reducing sugar from carboxymethyl cellulose per min.
c. One unit of β-glucosidase activity is defined as the amount of enzyme liberating 1µmole of
Comparision of pH changes in the medium during the incubation period of
It has been reported that, of the pretreated bagasse, corncob and sawdust with caustic soda, sawdust gave the best result with an enzyme activity value of 0.0743 IU/ml of Fpase, while bagasse and corncob gave 0.0573IU/ml after 12hrs of incubation in the fermentation studies (Ojumu
Sugarcane bagasse and rice bran were less efficient of all natural lignocelluloses in terms of production of enzyme in this study. Of the treated lignocelluloses, other three were less efficient in terms of production of enzyme than treated sawdust, but have produced high enzyme yields than untreated lignocelluloses.
The medium with native rice bran produced higher growth with biomass of 1228 mg/flask after 21 days of incubation where as the growth of the culture was 1141 mg/flask maximum at 0.5% level of treated sawdust at 7- day interval and slightly declined to 1124 mg/flask at 14-day interval. Biomass of culture was further reached to maximum of 1159mg/flask at 21-day interval . Medium amended with native wheat straw had produced 1450 µg/ml of extracellular protein content after 14 – days of incubation and among the treated ones the maximum amount of extra cellular protein (1284 µg/ml) was secreted in 0.5% treated sawdust level at 7-day interval compared to other treated lignocelluloses. Growth of
In the present study, native and pretreated lignocelluloses were used for the maximum production of cellulase from