Editorial: International Definition In Submersion – Immersion Injuries
M Said Maani Takrouri
M Said Maani Takrouri. Editorial: International Definition In Submersion – Immersion Injuries. The Internet Journal of Health. 2008 Volume 8 Number 2.
In this issue of The Internet Journal of Health There is report from West Africa on Submersion-immersion injuries in Children [1, 2]. Drowning as expected affects all age groups throughout the world, but certain groups are particularly vulnerable. Over half of the global mortality occurs among children less than 15 years of age, hence the importance of this paper [2] .
There is an established view that drowning is a major global public health problem [3]. The editor discussed with the first author Dr van Beeck to have an editorial based on his work and he consented graciously.
Dr van Beeck stated in his important paper the story of the adapted solutions for
WCOD rationales, values and debate can be studied directly online [4, 5]. It would be appropriate that emerging reports on this topic to follow policies of surveillance.