Airway Evaluation And Assessment For Anesthesia And Resuscitation
M Ali Magboul
anesthesia, difficult, intubation, resuscitation, ventilation
M Ali Magboul. Airway Evaluation And Assessment For Anesthesia And Resuscitation. The Internet Journal of Health. 2006 Volume 6 Number 1.
This is a simple visual way to remember what to look for when evaluating and assessing the airway for ventilation and intubation, suitable for nurses, respiratory therapist, paramedics and physicians:
For ventilation remember a snoring (OBESE) Santa
For Intubation remember the 4(M & Ms) with (STOP) sign
Malformation and STOP
How do we predict difficult mask ventilation (DMV)?
In a general adult population, DMV was reported in 5% of the patients.
Maintenance of airway patency and oxygenation are the main objectives of face-mask ventilation. Difficult mask ventilation was defined as the inability of an unassisted anesthesiologist to maintain the measured oxygen saturation as measured by pulse oximetry > 92% or to prevent or reverse signs of inadequate ventilation during positive-pressure mask ventilation under general anesthesia.
The Five Predictors of
The Obese (body mass index > 26 kg/m2)
The Bearded
The Elderly (older than 55 y)
The Snorers
The Edentulous
(Age older than 55 yr, body mass index > 26 kg/m2, beard, lack of teeth, and history of snoring), the presence of two indicating high likelihood of DMV (sensitivity, 0.72; specificity, 0.73)... A simple DMV risk score was established. Being able to more accurately predict DMV may improve the safety of airway management (6,7).
Magboul Difficult Mask Ventilation (DMV) Prediction Score:
High Scores approaching 5 are associated with Difficult Mask Ventilation
How do we predict difficult Intubation (DI)?
M = Mallampati
M = Measurements 3-3-2-1
Magboul 4 M & Ms SCORE
M = Mallampati
Class I = visualization of the soft palate, fauces, uvula, anterior and posterior pillars.
Class II = visualization of the soft palate, fauces and uvula.Class III = visualization of the soft palate and the base of the uvula.Class IV = soft palate is not visible at all.M = Measurements 3-3-2-1 OR 1-2-3-3 Fingers.
(Remember to use the patient's finger size and not your fingers size, otherwise measure in centimeters)
3- Fingers Mouth Opening3- Fingers Hypomental Distance. 3Fingers between the tip of the jaw and the beginning of the neck (under the chin) 2- Fingers between the thyroid notch and the floor of the mandible (top of the neck)1- 1- Finger Lower Jaw Anterior sublaxation M = Movement of the Neck
The angle between the erect and extended the “normal” amount of extension equals 35 degrees. The Atlanto-occipital joint. Additionally, limited A-O joint extension is present in certain pathological states such as spondylosis, rheumatoid arthritis, halo-jacket fixation, and in patients with symptoms indicating nerve compression with cervical extension.
Right Left Flexion Extension
M =Malformation of the skull, teeth, obstruction, & Pathology (the Macros and Micros)
We can memorize them with the word (STOP)
S = Skull (Hydro and Microcephalus) T = Teeth (Buck, protruded, & loose teeth. Macro and Micro mandibles) O = Obstruction (due to obesity, short Bull Neck and swellings around the head and neck) P = Pathology (Craniofacial abnormalities & Syndromes: Treacher Collins, Goldenhar's, Pierre Robin, Waardenburg syndromes)
Various craniofacial abnormalities arise from maldevelopment of the 1st and 2nd visceral arches, which form the facial bones and ears during the 2nd mo of gestation. These malformations include cleft lip and cleft palate; Treacher Collins' (mandibulofacial dysostosis), Goldenhar's (oculoauriculovertebral dysplasia), Pierre Robin, and Waardenburg syndromes; hypertelorism; and external and middle ear deformities.
Skull Teeth Obstruction Pathology
Airway evaluation is a vital part in our anesthesia practice and resuscitation. We should spend all the necessary time to correctly evaluate patient Airway.
Mistakes have happened in the past due to ill judgment and insufficient evaluation.
The Moral of the story is to stick to one of these so many methods, what ever is easier for you to memorize and follow. Stick to it at all the times, and implement it strictly in all your patients prior to induction of anesthesia ( 8, 9) or intubation in resucitation