Diabetes Mellitus Is A Global Problem
M Maani Takrouri
M Maani Takrouri. Diabetes Mellitus Is A Global Problem. The Internet Journal of Health. 2006 Volume 6 Number 1.
In this issue of the Internet Journal of Health an interesting article addressing Diabetes Mellitus (DM) in menopausal American women [1]. This article addresses a special issue affecting single sector of the population.
DM is the most common metabolic disorder, its prevalence varying widely worldwide and ranging from as low as <1% to >50% [2,3,4,5,6,7] It is due to insulin deficiency or inefficiency, which results in a state of hyperglycaemia [8] Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM) and non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM) are the two primary types and are the most widely distributed 9, 10]. Factors involved in influencing the prevalence of diabetes mellitus include socioeconomic status, age, sex, genetic susceptibility, lifestyle and other environmental factors. It has been shown that the prevalence of diabetes is constantly on the rise and this is believed to result from urbanization and socioeconomic developments, which are associated with rapid changes in lifestyle [4,5,6, 7] In developing countries, the prevalence of diabetes is increasing, where there are, as estimated by the World Health Organization (WHO), around 70 million people suffering from diabetes mellitus [11] Thus, it is essential that every country attempts to assess the magnitude of the problem and takes steps to control and prevent diabetes mellitus and provide appropriate care[12,13].
Modern life and advances in medicine shed good light on the patho-physiology and complication of what is generally known as diabetes mellitus (Sweet urine).it would be very tragic to see young individual struggles with juvenile diabetes (Type I, Insulin Dependant Diabetes (IDD)). But soon medicine finds that Maturity onset diabetes (Type II diabetes, NIDD).
World Health Organization (WHO) in world survey of the problem indicated that this disease doses not spare poor or rich developed or non developed population [Fig. 1]
Figure 1
Diabetes Mellitus definition; It is a syndrome, a collection of disorders hallmarked by hyperglycemia; It is common condition the prevalence in general is 3-7%.
Classification of DM & associated categories of glucose intolerance according to WHO working group [2]
Clinical classes
Diabetes Mellitus
Impaired glucose tolerance
Gestational diabetes mellitus
Statistical risk classes
previous abnormality of glucose tolerance
Potential abnormality of glucose tolerance
Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus
Non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus
non obese
Malnutrition-related diabetes mellitus
Other types of DM associated with certain diseases and syndrome
Conditions presenting as non-insulin dependant diabetes mellitus NIDDM:
Common NIDDM
Uncommon types NIDDM
Genetic defects & Beta cell dysfunction
Genetic defects & insulin resistance
Acquired insulin resistance syndromes
Drug-induced diabetes
Endocrine diseases
diabetes associated & other genetic syndromes
Pancreatic disease
Diseases of hormonal etiology
Drug induced or chemically induced conditions
Abnormalities of insulin or its receptors
Certain genetic syndromes
Random serum glucose, (WHO)
In the dilemma of diagnosis of DM the three transitional group
Group 1: No DM <5.5 mmol/L
Group 2: DM >11.1 mmol/L
Group 3: borderline glucose intolerance test (GTT) 5.5-11.1 mmol/L
GTT is done; either DM >11.1mmol/L or IGT 7.8>--<11.1 mmol/L
How to control blood sugar?
There are now strict medical regimes supported by nutritional and exercise pattern of life to go hand in hand. The management may differ from time to time or during period of stress diseases or surgical operations and it start as first item and finally goes to the last treatment of the following:
No insulin & glucose
Oral hypoglycemics (HGD)
Oral HGD >> Insulin
Insulin s.c.
Insulin i.v. bolus
Insulin infusion
Insulin Dextrose Infusion
The result of uncontrolled blood sugar
The result of insulin impairment or lack can produce acute and chronic histopathological effects. Acute changes of untreated or poorly controlled diabetes mellitus include dehydration due to osmotic dieresis as sequence of glucosurea. Accumulation of lactic acid will lead to academia, fatigue and weight loss generally. Muscle wasting does contribute to this weight loss. If hyperososmolar non-ketotic hyperglycaemia develop coma may occur and if not properly treated death would occur. Infection may precipitate this condition [14, 15]. Diabetic patients frequently develop neuropathy, most commonly a distal symmetrical sensory or sensorimotor polyneuropathy with variable degree of autonomic involvement [16].