It Is A Matter Of Health! Health And Internet As Scope For "Internet Journal Of Health"
M Takrouri
M Takrouri. It Is A Matter Of Health! Health And Internet As Scope For "Internet Journal Of Health". The Internet Journal of Health. 2003 Volume 3 Number 2.
Dr David Winker in his latest communication with the author about
This provoked the composition of this statement letter. The above clear understanding and the fact that the Internet Journal of Health is a peer-reviewed journal, make a unique combination. Possibly this is the right formula to respond to the plethora of mixed information about “health” flooding the Internet which in a way may confuse the reader who could not differentiate between the true authentic versus untrue health texts and information. [1]
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which states in part: “Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and his family...” This foundation principle constitutes political, administrative and professional code adapted in as basis of human society. In a society humans look to each other for companionship, they form different ties like friendships, families, and community; in that way they assure collective safety and survival. Although there will be some loss of some component of the individuality, individuals are ready to strike balance between the society interest and personal interest in order to maintain this social code of cooperation.
The matter of health in wider community is the domain of public health institutions which are a set of a wide variety of agencies and professional disciplines. These agencies are entrusted to look after the community welfare. The elements which contribute to that trust are proper communication which means listening and speaking to the people; transparency (i.e., not concealing information or facts); accountability; reliability. [2]
Looking after society's health involves taking care also, of the natural and constructed environments for life itself. Since any adverse deviation from correct balance will have an adverse effects on the health of people as well.
People need to know how to keep healthy. The well-known dictum says “Prevention is better than cure”. In many minds the term health services means medical institutes and interventional medical methods. There is an explanation for this concept. First: the events “matter of life or death”, which governs the emergency and resuscitation efforts undertaken in events of extreme threat to life. Here death means loss of health and loss of life. Secondly: the events ‘matter of life and health' which governs the majority of therapeutic, medical and surgical interventions aiming to restore health. Thirdly: the events ‘matter of health', which governs a large spectrum of activities which promote life in healthy durable manner. This is only the outer boundaries of concentric rings.
It is estimated that millions of individuals exchange general data and ideas over the Internet; the information superhighway. Among these millions many are interested in seeking knowledge concerning health. [3]
What has the Internet to offer for the world community?
What impact will this superhighway of information have on the field of Health?
Health oriented visitors are seeking information from basic and advanced health networks, electronic publications which are offered throughout the Internet. A variety of different services on the World Wide Web (WWW) are currently available for the public dealing exclusively with topics of health.
This type of information are available millions of people from all over the world, on 24 hours a day, and for all time round. [3]
Free access health and peer reviewed medical journals are well established and proved to be a revolution in the communication of scholarly researches and medical reviews. All can be accessible to information seekers, whenever they want; where there is a computer with a connection to the Internet. There is no need to search in a library or even pay for it
The amount of health information offered on the net is increasing rapidly. Because, there are varieties of health-related sources available on the Internet. Several health authorities, commercial sites, alternative medicine, women health, children health, health and wellness, health and medical journals and medical schools websites are represented and offer information about all types of health matter, including varieties of options; conventional and unconventional health issues including alternative health care.
A growing number of allied medical and Health Departments all over the world go online with information about their programs and courses. Several sites offer extended services such as tutorials, electronic books, newsletters, discussion forums, or support health-related problems. Health-related publications such as this electronic Internet Journal of Health provide interested readers with abstracts, articles, research-news, and discussion forums.
Well designed health sites on the Internet are Internet Scientific Publications and Biomed Central (open access publishers). There are six journals related to health services and research. and many other sites in Europe, Australia and the U.S. represent excellent starting points for health-surfing on the Internet. The development of faster and easier computer technologies will enhance the ability of efficient netsurfing. This also will increase the attractivity of websites. In summary, the Internet with its World Wide Web represents a new tool for human race to share ideas, experience and knowledge generally and matter of health in particular with each others all around the world.