Quick Review: Crohn's Disease
T Fujii, B Phillips
T Fujii, B Phillips. Quick Review: Crohn's Disease. The Internet Journal of Gastroenterology. 2002 Volume 2 Number 1.
This is a brief review of Crohn's disease, a condition first described in 1932 by Crohn BB, Ginsberg L, Oppenheimer GD. Regional ileitis: a pathological and clinical entity
A chronic, inflammatory condition with an intermittent & unpredictable clinical pattern affecting mostly young, productive people
Can involve the entire alimentary tract
Discontinuous segments
Most common sites
terminal ileum
proximal colon
Extraintestinal manifestations are common
Variable Course: “Waxing & Waning”
Worldwide Prevalence: 10 - 70 cases / 100,000
Incidence: 0.5 - 6.3 cases / 100,000
Almost exclusively encountered in industrialized nations of Western Europe & the United States
Affects all populations & ethnic groups, however, some are more-likely to be afflicted
Jewish 3 - 8x more-likely than non-Jewish
Ashkenazi Jews
born outside Israel: 4-fold increase (16.7 cases / 100,000)
compared to born in Israel (4.2 cases / 100,000)
Aggregation in families can occur [10 - 30 %]
However, there has never been evidence for direct mendelian transmission!
Pattern of Onset
age 15 - 30
age 55 - 60
Men & Women are equally-affected
More common in urban-dwellers than rural
Positively-associated with higher levels of education
Cigarette smoking increases overall-risk !
The cause or causes of Crohn Disease remain unknown
noncaseating granulomas within inflamed tissue suggests a possible-infectious cause
epidemiological studies have leaned towards genetic, dietary, & environmental factors
clinical response to immunosuppressive agents points to an immunologic cause
The Infectious Theory
histology of Crohn-segments reveals “intestinal tuberculosis”
identification of Mycobacterium within mesenteric nodes
however, only 23 % of patients have elevated mycobacterial antibodies (similar to healthy controls)
Bacterial studies have demonstrated that 1/3 of patients have abnormal microflora within the small bowel
result of inflammation & flow stagnation
The luminal bacterial flora may play a role in perpetuating the inflammatory process
Viral studies have been inconclusive
The Immunogenetic Theory
development may be genetically-determined
thought to arise from a generalized-disorder of the intestinal immune system
however, a primary defect of the systemic or mucosal systems has not been identified
there have been many “alterations” reported - which is thought to indicate a ‘disturbed-immunoregulation”
This disease can be rapidly progressive or run an indolent, intermittent course
Acute, Active Phase
aphtous mucosal ulcers
lymphoid aggregates
transmural inflammation with fissures or fistulas
Quiescent, Healing Phase
characterized by fibrosis with stricture formation & chronic ulcers
the granulomatous process may involve other tissues & organs
Histologic Features of Regional Enteritis
granulomas away from ulcerations
granulomas within lymph nodes & other tissues
lymphoid aggregates within the submucosa & Subserosa
fissures & ulcers extending into the muscularis propria
transmural inflammation
What does Crohn Disease look like in the operating theatre?
Involved segments are rigid & thick
due to fibrosis & inflammatory edema which narrows the bowel lumen
Mesenteric fat reaches over the antimesenteric border
Mesentery is foreshortened, thick, & edematous with enlarged nodes
Serosa may be granular & dulled by exudate
Inflammation may extend into adjacent structures
leading to fistulas, abscesses, & sinus tracts
can distort normal anatomy
can lead to obstruction with matting-together of several bowel loops (both involved & uninvolved)
Opening the involved segment
thickened bowel wall
narrow lumen
longitudinal ulcers
aphtoid ulcers
dilated, proximal, uninvolved segment
Microscopic Features of Crohn Disease
changes begin with the accumulation of inflammatory cells adjacent to a crypt
this localization leads to ulcer-formation & crypt-abscesses
granulomas, if present, are non-caseating
fistulas & sinus tracts form from confluent crypt abscesses and the associated transmural inflammation
transmural spread leads to serositis, which can cause adherence of adjacent structures
Thus, epithelial cell injury with necrosis is not the initial event but rather, the end-result !Differentiating Crohn disease of the colon from ulcerative colitis is the most common diagnostic dilemmain the field of “inflammatory bowel disease” so, how do we go about doing that ?Ulcerative Colitis is a contiguous, mucosal disease which begins at the rectum
Indeterminate Colitis
when a clear-cut diagnosis can not be agreed upon (either Crohn disease or ulcerative colitis)
10 % of all cases
the final diagnosis is determined by the clinical course
The Clinical Features
The triad:
Abdominal pain, diarrhea,
Weight loss insidious,
Gradual onset which becomes persistent & progressive with a “waxing-waning” type course (varies from patient to patient)
Abdominal Pain: Intermittent, Colicky Form
caused by distension & peristaltic contractions of the bowel as a result of either partial or complete obstruction
Abdominal Pain: Constant Form
caused by parietal peritoneal inflammation
Treating the Abdominal Pain: Multifaceted Approach
Dietary Measures
relieve or avert obstruction
Anti-inflammatory Agents
decrease inflammation & edema of the diseased segment
help to allay cramping
Diarrhea: usually due to several factors
mucosal inflammation decreases absorption & increases secretion
decreased bile acid absorption leads to a decrease in fat absorption
ileal segment disease
ileal resection
free fatty acids in the colon decrease electrolyte & water absorption
the lack of an ileocecal valve (surgical resection) can lead to bacterial overgrowth within the small bowel which further interferes with nutrient digestion & absorption
Treating the Diarrhea:
Dietary Measures
Weight Loss: Common & Potentially-lethal0
Anorexia, Nausea, Vomiting
may signal an obstruction
the patient recognizes these “signals” and begins to eat less
begins a dangerous cycle !
Consequences of Impaired Absorption & Malnutrition
diarrhea with dehydration & electrolyte imbalance
protein-losing enteropathy
growth retardation
anemia (microcytic, megaloblastic)
demineralization of bone ...
Malnutrition is especially-serious in children - growth retardation & delayed maturation are found in 10 - 40 % of children with Crohn disease... can be reversed with aggressive treatment ! why are renal oxalate stones common in Crohn disease ?
Classification of Disease
Fibrosing/Stricturing Form
amenable to surgical intervention
Fistula/Abscess Form
role for interventional radiology
Aggressive-inflammatory Form
primarily managed by antiinflammatory therapy
Skin Lesions
skin tags
Anal Canal Lesions
fistulas (skin/vagina)
Peri-anal Disease is common
25 %, patients with ileitis
40 %, patients with isolated colitis
50 %, patients with ileocolitis
one-third of patients present initially with perianal disease
Extraintestinal Manifestations: common !
long-list of associated conditions
prevalence is higher in patients with colonic disease versus small bowel disease
Children vs. Adults: regional enteritis
the course of disease is similar [slowly progressive]
recurrent episodes of the “clinical triad”
only 20 % of patients remain asymptomatic for 10-20 yrs.
most patients usually require surgery at some point
growth retardation is common in children
10 % of patients die as a result from Crohn Disease
Differential Diagnosis
“The signs and symptoms of Crohn disease are nonspecific”
Infectious Diseases
Inflammatory Conditions
Why do you operate on Crohn disease ?
“In most patients, the disease eventually advances to a stage requiring surgical intervention for alleviation of symptoms or to treat complications such as obstruction, fistula, or abscess”
Small Bowel Obstruction: the most common complication
Usually Partial & Intermittent
Managed Conservatively, if possible...
But, as the overall disease stateprogresses (with fibrosis & stricturing), the obstruction can become complete
Fistula Formation: a pathognomonic feature of Crohn disease
forms between affected bowel and any other organ/structure
signs & symptoms
Inflammatory mass
Obstructive symptoms
Classification of Intra-abdominal Abscesses
Toxic Megacolon
Occurs in 6 % of patients
Toxic dilation can also occur in the ileum
Due to Severe inflammation of the submucosa
destroys or impairs the myenteric plexus and muscularis propria
this induces muscular atony and subsequent bowel distension
anticholinergics, antidiarrheals, & analgesics may precipitate toxic episodes
Toxic Dilation: sick, sick, sick...
Patients are acutely ill, febrile, tachycardic, with increasing abdominal pain, diarrhea, & progressive distension
Diagnosis is confirmed by radiography
Question: how do you manage it ?
GI Bleeding
massive intestinal bleeding is uncommon
deep ulceration into a submucosal vessel
colonic disease: 20-30 % of chronic rectal bleeding
Increased risk for Small & Large Bowel Carcinoma
diagnosis is usually delayed
poor, overall prognosis
“disease specific therapy does not exist”
Supportive Treatment
alleviate symptoms: pain, diarrhea
nutritional support: weight loss
suppress the inflammatory process
used since the 1940's
exact mechanism is unclear
thought to cause a nonspecific immunosuppression
long-term therapy is dangerous and should be avoided
short-term courses for acute episodesPrednisone (0.5 - 0.75 mg/kg/day)
Intestinal bacteria cleave this drug in the distal ileum
allows absorption of the sulfonamide portion while the 5-ASA portion stays in the intestinal lumen
inhibitory to the formation of prostaglandins & leukotrienes
Effective in achieving remission
Patients without symptoms do not benefit from therapy
broad-spectrum agents are indicated for septic episodes
use as “long-term suppression” is controversial
Metronidazole has been found to be effective in some patients
Unclear mechanism
Side Effects: GI Irritability
Peripheral Neuropathy
Immunosuppressants: Azathioprine
active metabolite, 6-mercaptopurine
a purine analog which inhibits nucleic acid production
interferes with the production of inflammatory cells
requires 3 months of treatment for an effect
role in long-term suppression: can maintain remission
side effects: bone marrow suppression/pancreatitis
a folic acid inhibitor with immunosuppressive & antiinflammatory effects
has been shown to be effective with RA, Psoriasis...
small trials may show a clinical benefit with ileitis
large trials are needed.
a chronic, inflammatory condition with an intermittent & unpredictable
clinical pattern affecting mostly young, productive people