What's Viremedy: How Does It Affect, and How It Is Used
K Esmaeili
application manner, effect mechanism, energy medicine, homoeopathy, physical essence, viremedy
K Esmaeili. What's Viremedy: How Does It Affect, and How It Is Used. The Internet Journal of Alternative Medicine. 2007 Volume 6 Number 1.
«Viremedy» is a material including specific physical information, whose translation to correspondent vital information, leads to the rise of vitality and vital potentials fulfillment, such as resistance against stresses, in living being (in accordance with its nature and development…).
Besides to the clinical experiences, the mentioned impression is "objectively demonstrated" in various living beings (with different grades of development) through "repeatable, experimental studies".
Meanwhile, to explain the "general physical essences" of Homoeopathic remedies, some so-called Energy Therapy remedies and Viremedy, and the "general mechanisms" of their effects on living beings, it is attempted to present some theories, considering the relevant evidences and conducted experiments.
Moreover, along with increasing Viremedy's potency and finding the ways to augment its concentration, efforts have been made to improve its "application manner" and the appropriate simultaneous use of this remedy with other preventive, therapeutic methods. (As well, some regulations in clinical use of Viremedy were compiled.)
In Latin language, "vivi" (as a prefix) means life or alive (the being having Vitality). "Viremedy" is a particular remedy, which can lead to the promotion and rise of Vitality and Fulfillment of the Vital Potentials in living being. This dynamic, holistic proceeding takes place in the framework of the living creature's nature (considering the grade of development or advancement…).
In this regard, the degree of fulfillment of vital potentials or capacities, as resistance against stresses (in the broad sense) could be considered as the indices of the vitality in living being, according to the case.
The mentioned impression is objectively demonstrated in various living beings (such as animals, plants, and fungi, with different grades of development) through “several repeatable, controlled true experimental studies”. [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9] Meanwhile, numerous clinical experiences in efficiently helping to cure disorders and diseases in human beings with Viremedy (Bio-remedy) have been performed.
Viremedy is a general device in the integrative remedial system, called as "Vitherapy". [1,10]
What is Viremedy? (About the Physical Essence)
As it was mentioned before; Viremedy (Bio-remedy) is a material including the specific physical information in some particular carrier's particles in the form of vibration specifications, whose translation to correspondent biological information and processes through what is called as Vital Aura, can lead to the rise of vitality in living being. It has been also stated that the rise of vitality occurs in the framework of the living creature's nature (considering the grade of its so-called Vital Aura development or advancement). [The “rise of vitality” means increasing the fulfillment of vital potentials, which also include the ability of resistance against stresses…. In this regard, the vital activities, or the degree of fulfillment of vital potentials or capacities (such as resistance against stresses in the broad sense, and other vital activities) could be considered as the indices of the vitality in the living beings, according to the case.] This is a particular proceeding, through which, the totality of the living being (including various parts and levels such as the so-called bodily and non-bodily parts) is driven to a particular harmonic dynamism, generally called as Health Current. [1,11]
On the whole, there are some general similarities between Viremedy and Homoeopathic remedies in their physical essences. Viremedy could be replicated and concentrated by employing certain substances having properties (capabilities) to carry the mentioned information, in the presence of sufficient effective energy. For instance, some of these carrier substances could be as sugars, some minerals (such as Sodium Chloride), some kinds of Quartz crystals (such as Agate), etc. In the process of changing to the remedy (remedization), the said materials attain the mentioned required information, in the physical form of a particular vibration in a large number of their relatively free electrons. The relatively free electrons are particularly freed contentiously (throughout a kind of equilibrium process), in a phenomenon called as “Tunnel Effect” in Quantum Mechanics. [The mentioned vibrations (as kinds of waves called as Matter Waves or “De Broglie Waves”) are partially known in Quantum Mechanics. “De Broglie Matter Waves”, “Tunnel Effect Phenomenon”, and the related equations, have been also discussed in the academic texts and references of the Quantum Mechanics. [12,13,14]] Generally, in all of these kinds of remedies (as Homoeopathic remedies, Viremedy, and some so-called remedies prepared via a usual manner in the course called as Energy Therapy), the amplitude of the mentioned relatively free electrons' vibration indicates the remedy type, and the frequency of these wave-particles' vibration indicates the remedy potency. [As it will be mentioned, the potency of remedy means the so-called position and depth of the remedy's main primary influence in the living organism's Vital Aura. [1,11,12]]
In this way, each one of these kinds of remedies, includes a type of physical “information”, particular to it and in the form of the mentioned electrons' vibration characteristics. Each one of the Homoeopathic remedies, considering its special origin (mineral, herbal, animal, etc), includes the information correspondent with an especial unhealthy general state [15,16,17] in living beings, in a particular vibration of the mentioned particles.
As well, Viremedy includes the particular physical information correspondent with the particular dynamic, harmonic general course or proceeding named generally as "Health Current" in living beings. On the other hand, the mentioned relatively free electrons in Viremedy have their special, high vibration amplitude correspondent with the Health Current in living beings. The materials including Viremedy have pertinently been in an special informational domain, which is related to the generally common dynamic state )current) in living beings, called in general as Health Current. [The said informational domain could be more in some especial situations….]
It is worthy of mentioning that multiplying Viremedy is similar to that of Homoeopathic remedies [18], but “simpler” and without usual dilution (which is done during the process of production, potentization, and multiplication of Homoeopathic remedies). As well, a better variety of carrier substances can be applied in this case. [According to the related literature on Viremedy [1,10,11]; besides to high simplicity in using and multiplying Viremedy with low price, this remedy has no adverse effects, and could be employed with very high potency (compared to the usual employed potencies in the case of Homoeopathic remedies). Meanwhile, it could be used continuously, in large amount. Additionally, its resistance against some physical and chemical factors is more than that of Homoeopathic remedies.] Generally, in the substances called as carrier substances such as water, alcohol, sugar and agate “crystal” (as a type of “Quartz Crystal”), etc, because of their atomic and molecular structures and the martial characteristics (such as the Ionization Energy of the mentioned particles), the formation probability of the afore-said relatively free electrons, is also partially more. There is a direct relationship of the concentration of the free electrons in a substance with its capability for being a carrier substance for these kinds of remedies. Besides, “being carrier substance for each particular remedy” necessitates “lesser primary vibration energy” in the free electrons of the mentioned substance before being (changing to) the remedy, in comparison with the vibration energy of the mentioned free electrons in that remedy. (Thus, the capability of being remedy varies, according to the remedy, and the mentioned substance.) Meanwhile, reciprocal induction of the characteristics of the mentioned electrons' vibrations (as a type of information) takes place via exchange of the type of “Information Quanta” among the electrons. (In this regard, the free electrons always tend to obtain the highest possible vibration energy level considering the receiving information quanta and existing effective energy.)
How Does Viremedy Affect?
According to the related literature [1,11], each general state (as a particular perceptional-functional unit) [15,16,17] in living being can be accompanied by an special vibration amplitude (which is correspondent with that) in the said relatively free electrons. Exposure of these particles having special vibrations to the type of “living being sensory domain or so-called perceptive domain”, principally, on more sensitive regions related to the domain or field named as Vital Aura (Bio-aura), could reciprocally induce and establish the special general state correspondent with that special vibration, on the living organism. [Vital Aura, and its components and relationships have been also discussed in the fields such as so-called Energy Therapy, Ayurveda, Yoga, Acupuncture & Acupressure, Reflex Therapy, Gem Therapy (Stone Therapy), etc. [19,20]]
Concerning this fact, direct contact of these remedies with body is not necessary for their influence on organism. For instance; in an experienced method of Viremedy use, the carrier substances including the remedy, are wrapped and sealed completely (as the packs with no infiltration) before placing them on the relatively more sensitive regions (related to Vital Aura) over the body. “As a fact”; only placing Homoeopathic remedies, or some drugs and materials also used in some courses of Unconventional Medicine (such as some herbs and materials used in Traditional Medicine) in the mentioned more sensitive regions (“related to the Vital Aura”), could in its turn lead to some particular effects in the totality of the living being. [1]
As well, the main effect mechanisms of some drugs and materials used in the so-called Traditional Medicine could also be similar to the main effect mechanisms of Homoeopathic remedies. Many times, the indications of employing them are similar too. (For instance, Arnica is one of these drugs. It seems that one of the main sources of Homoeopathic remedies have been the materials used in the Traditional Medicine and the likes.) Many of these drugs and materials, in the first instance, mainly influence on the non-bodily part of the living organism. [Nevertheless, many of methods and devices used in the Traditional Medicine, in the first instance, mainly influence on the bodily part or both bodily and non-bodily parts of the living being. Generally, not only in the Iranian and Arabic Traditional Medicine, but also in the Chinese and Indian Traditional Medicine and the likes, the non-bodily part of the living being and the related sections, functions and relationships, are indeed very important, and systematically making the mentioned alterations on this part in order to access to a so-called holistic balance in the system (by employing the expedient methods and other devices) is a basic strategy. On the whole, subsequent to use of any preventive or therapeutic device (such as drug, material, maneuver), and according to the factors as employed device, application manner, the living being nature, and so on, we could have a wide spectrum of various kinds of so-called proving, aggravation, reacting or inducing modifications, disorders' pictures alterations, etc, in various parts and levels of the living organism. Naturally, the manners of these general processes could be different. We will point to some of these procedures in this text….]
However, the said inducing and establishment could in its turn activate the relevant regulator and controller systems in the non-bodily and bodily levels of the living being. (Translation or conversion of the vibration, as a kind of physical information, to the related vital information, takes place at the first onset, in the non-bodily level correspondent with the frequencies of the mentioned particles' vibrations.) Thus, considering the regular functions of the mentioned systems and their well-organized, reciprocal and multilateral interactions with various sections in the living organism, different events resulted from the information induction and the related consequences happen. The processes such as Proving, Aggravation [15,21,22,23], Changing, Reacting Modification and/or Inducting Modification of disorders and symptoms & signs, Induction and Promotion of "Health Current" (in the case of using Viremedy), and procedures like "Emergence" (Becoming Apparent, Evacuation) and "Discharge" (Coming out, Release, Excoriation), are among them. These processes are happening according to the case, and in a systematic manner in different levels of the organism.
It is worthy of noting that in the reciprocal interactions among different parts and levels of living organism, the so-called higher levels have more imperative rules and influences than the so-called lower levels. This could in its turn lead to some particular regulations in the related processes. …. In this regard, in the reciprocal associations between the non-bodily and bodily parts of living organism, in total, the non-bodily part (level) is more effective than the bodily part (level)- just as, the various sections of the non-bodily part have no equal worth, and some of them are more effective than others in their reciprocal associations…. [For Instance, some particular processes, which have been also indicated as "Herring Rules" in Homoeopathy [21], are fulfilled due to this fact….]
As well, through taking a Homoeopathic remedy (as the carrier of an special physical information), the correspondent vital phenomena are induced and established on the living organism, according to the case. This induced influence, and the related procedures could persist for the particular time, according to the type and potency of the remedy, the related states and nature of the living being receiving the remedy, environmental conditions, etc. [For instance, through efficiently stimulating the Immune system and the likes in the bodily & non-bodily parts of the living organism, it is possible to remove the mentioned induced influence….] Naturally, this process takes place considering the nature and susceptibility of the living being receiving the remedy. As it was expressed; the special physical information of each Homoeopathic remedy, is correspondent with an special unhealthy general state in living beings. For example; when a Homoeopathic remedy is used, concerning its type and dominant potency, at first, the unhealthy particular general state correspondent with the special remedy's information, is systematically induced on the living organism (primary effect). Thereafter, in accordance with the degree of similarity between this induced unhealthy state and the unhealthy states of the living being, and concerning the function of the regulator and controller systems, a kind of “reacting modification” (reacting decrease) and the associated emergence & discharge procedures, could be established in the organism…. In this route and thanks to the mentioned “partial” similarity, the various degrees and kinds of “aggravation” can be also taken place…; nevertheless, according to the case, this event may be sensible or not…. Indeed, more similarity leads to more induction of the mentioned state in the living organism, and more reacting decrease of the similar unhealthy state in the organism, through taking the homoeopathic remedy. In the process named as reacting modification (decrease), the efforts and functions of the mentioned systems for removing the effects due to the induced unhealthy state, can in its turn and according to the case, ameliorate and modify the similar unhealthy states and the related effects and disorders in the living organism. [It is worthy of mentioning that in the said processes, if the proportion of “vitality of the living being” to “the intensity of disorder…” be lesser than a particular limit, some vital associations between the non-bodily and bodily parts of the living organism will break off, and thus, the bodily death will occur. (This particular, compulsory condition is named sometimes as “Total Freedom” (?) in Homoeopathy….)]
Nonetheless, sometimes, in case of taking some Homoeopathic remedies by individuals, there are only some outward partial similarities between some induced symptoms & signs (due to taking the mentioned remedies) and some existent symptoms & signs in the individuals receiving those remedies. Considering the opinion of many homoeopaths [22]; in these cases, the possible established outward reacting modifications and disorders' pictures alterations do not mean cure in the true meaning….
On the whole, each one of these remedies has its particular “information”, indicating the vibration amplitude and frequency of the carrier substance's relatively free electrons. Translation of the mentioned vibrations to the correspondent vital information, and motivation (provocation) of the related vital processes, is performing with the mediators of non-bodily regulator and controller systems (in Vital Aura).
Considering the mentioned issues, some bodies, who had responded fast to Acupuncture, Acupressure and so-called Energy Therapy maneuvers[19,20], responded quickly to Homoeopathic remedies and Viremedy too. “The main primary effect” of all of these methods is on the non-bodily part of the living organism. For instance, in Acupuncture therapies and the likes, according to the case, we could have a wide spectrum of various kinds of so-called proving, aggravations and reacting modifications and alterations…. These phenomena happen also concerning the particular mutual, multilateral interactions between the “non-bodily” and bodily parts in the living being…. [In this regard, some effects and events occurring in Acupuncture & Acupressure therapies, Yoga practices, and the likes, could be also owing to the mentioned mutual interaction between the non-bodily and bodily parts of the organism, in various kinds of the reacting and/or proving (establishing) processes…. Indeed, also in this field (the non-bodily part of living organism), we are generally dealing with a particular kind of existence or being (as a phenomenon), which is different from the bodily part of the living organism. This being, like any type of phenomenon or occurrence (as creature), is in creating (in occurring), and naturally has a “relative” essence. However, like every phenomenon, and considering the mentioned in creating being and relativity, it has also its special time & position (in their wide meanings, and as so-called dimensions and characters…). Besides, there are particular interactions and “associations” among diverse types of existence. For instance, the mentioned phenomena and associations between the non-bodily and bodily parts of living beings, and between the non-bodily part and the mentioned vibrations of the said relatively free electrons (with their particular vibrations in each case), are among these relations…. However, in “fact”, there are numerous types of being, having diverse characteristics, with “regular reciprocal interactions among them”….]
In this way, the degree of fulfilling these processes will be also in accordance with the development grade of the mentioned systems as the so-called Vital Aura, concerning living being's so-called evolution & development level. Thus, each one of these remedies could directly and indirectly lead to its particular related general state in the living being.
As well, in so-called Energy Therapy remedies, the so-called healer in practice performs the induction of particular information on the mentioned relatively free electrons in the carrier substance. [In Energy Therapy, the so-called healer could also directly induce the mentioned vital information on the living organism (naturally, in a mutual course between them).]
If each one of the Homoeopathic remedies has the physical information correspondent with an special unhealthy general state or posture in living beings, “Viremedy” (Bio-remedy) has the physical information correspondent with the dynamic, wide-ranging, harmonic course or proceeding called generally as Health Current in living organisms.
The Health Current is an especial general state or proceeding with a particular dynamic, wide-ranging base, which is so-called common in all of living beings. [Naturally, in each particular living being, the mentioned correspondent dynamic current, as an objective being, has its particular, unique characteristics (in form, existence degree, etc).]
Generally, the especial proceeding of health in human being is based on a “realistic” perception, and the unhealthy states are based on the “unrealistic” perceptions (as basic or fundamental perceptions or delusions)….
Although, the especial general state or proceeding named as "Health Current" generally “exists” in every human being too; but only in some individuals or in some particular situations, this especial current is dominant….
The meaning of the "Health Current" (as a general phrase) in diverse living beings, and even in a living being in different situations and levels, is very wide. According to the case, this particular dynamic, wide-ranging, harmonic general proceeding or state (with a so-called common general base in all of living beings) can vary and rise unlimitedly.
Meanwhile, there will be no so-called “modality” in the dynamic, wide-ranging Health Current. (Indeed, the modalities in the pictures or figures of Homoeopathic remedies, point to their unhealthy static, fractional bases, which are particular for each so-called remedy figure or picture.)
As well, the "Unhealthy State" is a general phrase, and it has a very wide range meaning. The unhealthy states could be very different in the form, extent and so-called existence degree.
On the whole, the Health Current is based on a so-called realistic perception and attitude, and the unhealthy states are based on kinds of so-called unrealistic perceptions and attitudes. [Likewise, “in fact”, Reality is Unique (as Integrity); but unrealities could be numerous…. Here, "Realism" means dynamic “Resignation to Reality” or appropriate, successful “Adaptation with Reality” (in its true, holistic meaning…). In this way and based on the Reality and Creation, this “Renewing and Thriving, Wide-ranging, Harmonic, Active Dynamism” (named as Realism) is naturally performed in a so-called “Creative” manner.]
During the cure course in Vitherapy (Bio-therapy), also the Health Current (with its particular dynamic base in the organism) rises more, and throughout Viremedy use, the mentioned dynamic proceeding is induced, promoted and augmented in the living organism. Thus, through an ameliorating, dynamic, wide-ranging process, named also as "Remedying Course", the Vitality and Fulfillment of Vital Potentials (such as resistance against stresses in broad sense, and other vital activities) increase. In this way, step by step and through continuously and systematically passing the pertinent phases, existent disorders in various parts and levels of the living organism are being ameliorated, and the related procedures called as emergence and discharge are being accomplished.
In the said procedures, some toxins and metabolites are discharged; some obstructions (stases) and over-accumulations (in various parts and sections) are freed, and balance establishment procedures (like Homeostatic and Immune actions, etc) are activated.
Indeed, during the cure process and vitality thriving, as an ameliorating proceeding with its particular consequences, and concerning disbanding some unhealthy pseudo-balances, and the existent resistances against this ameliorating proceeding, some disorders and deficiencies could temporarily find more opportunity for presentation, according to the case. (Likewise, sometimes during these processes, the patient might even express some apparently new (?) complaints. These types of symptoms & signs can indicate the so-called potential or latent disorders in the organism….) In this way, the procedure named as "Emergence" (so-called Evacuation) indicates the process of reversing the formation and development of disorders in different parts of the organism, in a systematic manner. Naturally, the particular functions of non-bodily & bodily parts of the living being, and the reciprocal, multilateral interactions among their various sections, are also effective on the emergence procedure manner. [Meanwhile, employing Viremedy is also effective on control of some problems owing to the Emergence, in its turn. (Nevertheless, the clinical consequences of the mentioned control by more use of Viremedy, particularly, in short term, vary according to the case….)]
As well, the process named as "Discharge" indicates the mentioned activity of the regulator and controller systems (such as Homeostatic and Immune systems) in the whole of the organism (including both non-bodily and bodily parts), and also points to a kind of balance establishment and so-called detoxification through the related ways and channels….
Naturally, suppressing these procedures, can lead to the types of stasis and “Adverse Over-accumulation Effects”, derangement in the feedback proceedings, repression of some processes (such as the process of reversing the disorders), and degrees of health attaining course “suppression”…. [10]
By the way, appropriate activation of the mentioned organized systems (like psyche; Nervous; endocrine, and immune systems) in the bodily & non-bodily levels of the living organism can cause various procedures and the related manifestations, according to the case. Indeed, this happens in order to ameliorating the disorders, so-called detoxification, and holistically establishing a harmonic systematic dynamism in the totality of human being, as much as possible. [Naturally, the symptoms & signs thanks to the emergence procedure can be more present in the susceptible parts and processes….]
The mentioned events owing to the emergence & discharge procedures take place in an orderly and “fluctuant” (swinging) manner. This fluctuant pattern could be seen in the total of the cure process, and in each particular part or phase of it, according to the case. (In this way, each of the symptoms & signs could appear and disappear gradually and/or suddenly according to the case.)
On the whole, cure process is fulfilled in the totality of the living organism; in all parts and sections. This process takes place step by step, through quantitatively & qualitatively passing the expedient stages. Thus, some manifestations, such as the symptoms and signs owing to the emergence & discharge procedures, could time after time apparent, particularly, in a fluctuant manner, periodically and episodically.
Throughout the cure process (as the vitality rising course), the continuous transformation into the Health Current, is done in the totality of the living being. This process occurs systematically, and naturally is effective on the systematic dynamic, reciprocal, multilateral correlations among all of the existent disorders too.
Thus, cure through Viremedy taking is deep and wide. Knowing this point is very important in management of patients receiving Viremedy. [1,10]
Naturally, numerous factors have effect on the manner and duration of the procedures such as Emergence and Discharge. Some of them are as the followings: the type, depth & extension, and intensity of the unhealthy states and related disorders in various parts and sections of the living organism (considering the so-called miasmas)- the living creature's nature & vitality level, and the predisposing factors- the environmental stresses and related conditions (such as new stresses, etc)- the remedy employing manner and amount- other probably used methods and devices- and so on.
In this way, the manner of these procedures (as in duration, intensity and frequency) varies according to the case. (For instance; due to the acceleration of cure process by Viremedy, the intervals among some courses thanks to the emergence & discharge procedures, could be diminished or even sometimes, eliminated….)
Besides to the Viremedy's important role in motivating and improving the health acquirement process, this remedy (as a fundamental or basic remedy) could be appropriately used along with employing other expedient methods and devices, according to the case. [These methods and devices (as materials, instruments, techniques, maneuvers, etc) may be employed in any preventive & therapeutic system, in the so-called Conventional Medicine and/or Unconventional Medicine.] Naturally, this simultaneously use should be done appropriately, and “in order to as much as improving the health and vitality level, in total”. [10]
In this regard, being acquainted with the effects of this remedy and each of the mentioned methods and devices on the various parts of the living being, and the related mechanisms (considering their multilateral, reciprocal interactions with each other, and noticing the mentioned disorders), will be important in its turn; if not, so often, the ultimate result could be the establishment of the types of interference, “stasis and adverse over-accumulation effects”, derangement in the feedback processes, repression of some procedures, including reversing the disorders, and degrees of health attaining process “suppression”.… [1,10]
In this regard, when some drugs are used, repression of some natural processes could happen, and lead to “adverse over-accumulation…” of some materials. Concerning the pathophysilogy of the into consideration disorders and its base in the bodily level of the living organism, and considering incomplete completion of the related processes, the mentioned adverse over-accumulation could in its turn reciprocally aggravate the correspondent disorder in the related non-bodily level of the living organism, according to the case. (For example; in some cases, some anti inflammatory drugs, such as Corticosteroids and Non-steroidal Anti Inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs), could lead to this particular adverse effect, according to the case. (In Homoeopathy, these particular kinds of adverse effects called generally as “Suppression” [21,22,23].) For instance, employing the Non-steroidal Anti Inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs), could sometimes lead to the mentioned “Adverse Over-accumulation Effect”, through increasing the Arachidonic Acid…. Because, the over-accumulation of the Arachidonic Acid in bodily level (thanks to the NSAIDs use [24]), could reciprocally affect on the non-bodily level of the living organism, and simulate the correspondent unhealthy state and disorder “in the non-bodily level”; the unhealthy state and disorder in the non-bodily level, which naturally leads to the increase of Arachidonic Acid in the bodily level. (For example, in Asthma disease, Arachidonic Acid naturally increases during the attacks of breathlessness. By using NSAIDs in a patient affected by Asthma, increase of Arachidonic Acid, could reciprocally aggravate the correspondent disorder in the non-bodily level of the organism….)] [10]
Likewise, sometimes and according to the case, employing Antibiotics and the likes could also lead to the kinds of inappropriate hyperactivity of immune systems (in broad sense, and in bodily and non-bodily levels) and some related disturbances, due to the incomplete completion of the activated immunologic processes. [10] [It seems that this event is the cause of elimination of the Homoeopathic remedies effects on the living organism, after taking some of these kinds of drugs. (In Homoeopathic texts [21,22], the elimination of the Homeopathic remedies effects, is generally called as “Antidote”….)]
It is worthy of mentioning that some unfavorable effects similar to these particular adverse effects named as suppression could also happen in non-bodily part of the living organism, according to the case…. [10]
Meanwhile, Viremedy use, besides to its effect on appropriately promoting and balancing the immune systems, could be very helpful in solving these kinds of problems too. (For example, through appropriately using Viremedy, we could have no the mentioned particular adverse effects thanks to the Antibiotics employment….) [10]
Fortunately, only a few drugs could, according to the into consideration disorder, have these particular adverse over-accumulation effects, and lead to the mentioned suppression during employing Viremedy…. [As well, the mentioned issues don't mean the said drugs (as NSAIDs or particularly, Cotricosteroids) could “never” be used during employing Viremedy, “meticulously” and if required, according to the case….] [10]
- On the whole and regarding the mentioned items, the appropriate and particular management manner of cure course could be specific for each patient and cure stage.
Some Controlled Experimental Studies on the Viremedy Effects on the living being's Vitality
Here, we are concisely presenting the results of some controlled, repeatable experiments about Viremedy effects on animals, plants and fungi, and also, on the subsequent generation of some tested plants. [It is worthy of mentioning that the employed tests for statistical analyses (by SPSS) of the obtained data in the mentioned experimental studies, have been “Fisher's Exact Test”, “Survival Analysis; Kaplan-Meier; Log-rank”, “Repeated Measures”, and “T-Test” (all with CI=95%). They are employed, according to the data, and the objectives and plans of the studies. In this paper, like the similar cases, generally, the “significant” result indicates “p. (2-tailed) < 0.05” (whereas, in the statistical analyses of the data in more of these experiments, the value of p. have been lesser than 0.01).]
1) The Controlled Studies upon Animals
- In “Study of Viremedy Effect on Acute Poisoning with Isoniazid in Laboratory Mice” (in 1998) [1,2]; the obtained results have indicated the significant and considerable effect of Viremedy use on decrease in the rapid death subsequent to interaperitoneal injection of Isoniazid (as a severe, acute chemical stress) [Fisher Exact Test (CI=95%) p. (2-tailed) < 0.05 (by SPSS)].
- In “Study of Viremedy Effect on Acute Poisoning with Natrium Cyanide in Laboratory Mice” (in 2006-2007) [3]; the obtained results have indicated the significant effect of Viremedy use on decrease in the rapid death subsequent to interaperitoneal injection of Natrium Cyanide (as a severe, acute chemical stress).
- In Study of “Viremedy Effects in Severe Contaminations with some Infectious Organisms in Laboratory Mice” (in 2006-2007) [4]; the obtained results have indicated the significant effect of the Viremedy use on decrease in the mortality of the laboratory white mice subsequent to the severe contamination with Herpes simplex (type 1) Virus; as well, there was a direct relationship of the ultimate effect of the Viremedy use with the duration of taking Viremedy. In case of the other experiments (with Toxoplasma gondii (RH strain) parasite, and Salmonella typhimurium bacterium) in this study, the injected dose of the infectious organisms, has been much more than the “Lowest” Lethal Dose; LD100. However, the significant effects of the Viremedy use on decrease in the process rate (pace) of the mice mortalities subsequent to the severe contaminations with the Herpes simplex Virus (type 1), Toxoplasma gondii (RH Iran strain) Parasite, and Salmonella typhimirium Bacterium (as three instances of various infectious organisms) have been shown. Thus, The obtained results in the present study indicated the positive effects of the Viremedy use on the increase of the survival of the laboratory white mice under the mentioned severe biologic stressed conditions.
- In “Some Primary In vitro & In vivo Experiments about Viremedy Effect on Cancer” (in 2006-2007) [5]:
. In the “In vivo Experiments”; the positive effects of Viremedy on the occurrence of necrosis in the Fibrosarcoma (WEHI 164) and Spontaneous Mammary Adenocarcinoma tumors (with passing the related stages) in Laboratory Mice (BALB/c inbred) has been observed. [However, in the mentioned primary In vivo experiments, it should generally be considered that the existed fundamental defect in cellular immunity (for instance, in the immune cells called Natural Killer (NK)) in the laboratory mice BALB/c inbred, could in its turn reduce the effectiveness of Viremedy in defying malignancy in the mice. Because, the Viremedy effect in defying cancer is generally fulfilled through the increase of fulfillment of the vital potentials (such as the immune system capabilities) in the framework of the living being's nature. And, the cellular immunity has a fundamental role in defying cancerous cells & tumors and the related metastasis. [The fundamental defect of the cellular immunity in the said inbred mice is indeed resulted by a certain genetic defect and the related genetic expression…. [25,26,27]]
. In the “In vitro Experiments”; the positive effect of Viremedy on the death of Fibrosarcoma cancerous cells (WEHI 164) (with passing the related stages) has been observed. This effect has been more obvious in the case of using the higher concentration of Viremedy. As well, in the case of the Viremedy with high concentration, the considerable reduction in the cancerous cells reproduction process has been observed. [Meanwhile, in the current three-day standard test named MTT, as it was expected, no cytotoxicity has been observed for Viremedy. Moreover, based on what was mentioned about Viremedy and its effect in the rise of the vitality and fulfillment of vital potentials in the framework of the living being's nature (through affecting the Vital Aura), it is supposed that the remedy should improve and ameliorate self-regulatory and immune systems both at cell level and particularly in the totality of living organism. Naturally, this is important in defeating the complex, multifaceted process of cancer start and development. It is also expected that Viremedy have useful effects in changing the anomalous cell reproduction process, and in ameliorating the related structural and functional disorders in different levels. Further, it is expected that the mentioned changes take place in an altering manner throughout the systematic procedure called as “Emergence” (Becoming Apparent, Evacuation); the procedure, which could include the transient, periodical emergence of the disorders and malfunctions at different levels during the use of the remedy. (For instance, this remedial process, depending on the factors such as the type and intensity of disorders, etc, can ultimately lead to death of the cancerous cells or partial amelioration of the disorders. Naturally, the presented claims and topics need further, comprehensive & detailed, multifaceted studies in the related fields, according to the case.)]
[As well, in the Study of Viremedy Effect on the Mortality of Male Chickens in Severe, Continued Poisoning with Sodium Chloride, by N. Nemati, S. Fereydooni (the Razi Research Institute in Iran), and K. Esmaeili, in 2006; the significant positive effect of Viremedy on decrease in mortality of the chickens subsequent to the sub-acute, severe poisoning with Sodium Chloride has been observed. (- As well, we had a primary experience in Viremedy positive effect on increase of the number of grown Wheat seeds receiving the solution of tap water and Sodium Chloride (in low concentration) including Viremedy, compared to that of the Wheat seeds receiving the same solution of tap water and Sodium Chloride not including Viremedy….)]
2) The Controlled Studies upon Plants
- In “Study of Viremedy Effects on vitality in some Plants (in 1998-99) [1,6]; regarding the imposed stresses, the obtained results have indicated the significant effects of Viremedy on increasing the fulfillment of vital potentials, including the extent and rate of growth & development, and the Resistance against the Stresses, as the nutrients insufficiency (soil shortage), in Bean, Wheat, Barley, Lentil, Chickling Vetch and Pea. [As well, the plants in the Case group were showing higher greenness and stability during withering. In other words, it seemed that in total, withering phase was comparatively shorter for them.]
- In “The Study of Viremedy Effect on the Yielding Amount in Plant” (in 1999) [1,7]; regarding some existed stresses, the obtained results have indicated the significant effect of Viremedy on increasing the yielding amount (as a vital potential), in Bean plant.
- In “Study of Viremedy Effects on vitality in the Second Generation of Viremedy Receivers- Plants” (in 2000) [1,8]; when compared with the Bean shrubs produced from the obtained seeds from the bushes irrigated by tap water not including Viremedy (Control Group), the Bean shrubs produced from the obtained seeds from the plants irrigated by the tap water including Viremedy (Case Group) have had more resistance against the stresses, as nutrients deficiency (soil and water shortages). (The shrubs in the Case group have withered lately.) As well, regarding the existed stresses, the Extent and Rate (pace) of the Growth & Development Processes, and the number of grown seeds in the case group have been more than those of control group. All shrubs in the Case and Control groups with similar conditions in this study had received the tap water not including Viremedy. (Indeed, the rise of Vitality in one generation (along with evacuating and ameliorating disorders, could in its turn lead to the rise of the health level in the next generations.)
[Here, it is worthy of mentioning that in the controlled study done about the effect of some particular so-called Energy Therapy remedies (which prepared via a usual manner in Energy Therapy) on the resistance against the stresses, as nutrient insufficiency in some plants (in 1998-99) [1,28]; the withering process rate (pace) due to the stresses was higher in the Case groups continuously received the tap water including the so-called Energy Therapy remedies, in comparison with those of Control groups continuously received the tap water not including the remedy. This fact could in its turn indicate decrease of the living being's vitality due to the frequent induction of the unhealthy state over it, noticing the relevant findings and issues as adverse influences of the overuse and proving of Homoeopathic remedies…. Indeed, the results can be described, considering the origins of the used so-called Energy Therapy remedies. (Indeed, in the so-called Energy Therapy remedies, the so-called healer in practice performs the induction of particular information on the mentioned relatively free electrons in the carrier substance. This information could be induced via every living organism; nevertheless, only a healthy being could induce the information correspondent with the “Health Current”. In this regard, “Health Current”, as an ideal proceeding in the living being, is an especial wide-ranging harmonic dynamism; thus, the unhealthy state have a very wide meaning. In this study, the unhealthy so-called healers had prepared the mentioned remedies, via inducing the information in the water.) It is worthy of mentioning that in spite of relatively more rate of growth process in one of the case groups, received a particular type of Energy Therapy remedy, the rate of withering process (also in the mentioned group) has been more. As well, the rates of withering, growth & development processes in different Case groups' plants receiving the diverse particular Energy Therapy remedies have not been the same. The observed influences of the mentioned Energy Therapy remedies was opposite to Viremedy frequent use effect on the living being's vitality rise; just as there is a direct (but, not linear) relationship of the vitality rise with the Viremedy use. Nonetheless, the obtained results in this study cannot mean that vitality decrease happens in all cases of the so-called Energy Therapy remedies uses, energy therapies, and methods of applying so-called energy (“information”)….]
3) The Controlled Studies upon Fungus
In “Study of Viremedy Effect on Fungus” (in 1999) [1,9]; the obtained results have indicated the significant but scanty effect of Viremedy on partial increase of the Fungus Fusarium oxysporum growth and the resistance against the imposed stress, as Benomyl Fungicide, in relevant conditions. [Even though, it's been suggested for repeating this experiment, with more samples and in better conditions….]
* In primary investigation about Viremedy effect on bacteria (the growth extent and rate), at least with our implements and possibilities at the time of this investigation, we couldn't find any fact, which can significantly indicate the effect of Viremedy on the Vitality and its objective indexes in the experimented bacterium (Bacillus thuringiensis; Bt).
- On the whole, the mentioned repeatable, experimental studies have indicated the Viremedy positive effect on the rise of Vitality and the fulfillment of the Vital Potentials (as the Vitality objective index), in the framework of the living being's nature.
Incidentally, related clinical cases and evidences (in human beings) [1,10,29] are confirming the above-mentioned issues, in their turns.
[Considering the Viremedy effect general mechanism (that will comes next), there is a direct relationship of the Viremedy effect degree with the development grade of living being's Vital Aura”. That is why in animals the Viremedy effect degree is higher than that in plants, and higher in plants than fungi and higher in fungi than bacteria. (For instance, in some of the above-mentioned experiments, considering the more development of the Vital Aura in the mice over the viruses, bacteria and parasites, the more effectiveness of Viremedy on the mice in comparison with its effects on the viruses, bacteria and parasites in that study could be explained. This comparatively higher effect of Viremedy in mice has in its turn led to more survival of the mice receiving Viremedy, compared to that of the mice not receiving Viremedy. (In this way, it is expected that in human being, thanks to the more development of the so-called Vital Aura, the Viremedy effect be considerably more than that of other living beings. [1,11])]
Meanwhile, it is possible to perform more expedient studies, if required…. [For instance, it is possible to conduct appropriate controlled studies about the effect of Viremedy use on the prevention and treatment of some disorders and diseases (such as AIDS, Chicken Influenza, Cancer, Drug-induced Hepatitis, etc), according to the existent possibilities and priorities….]
Application Manner of Viremedy
Considering what was expressed about the effect general mechanism of Viremedy, there could be different manners for employing Viremedy. [10] The "Non-oral placing method", "Oral placing method", and "Saturating Method", have been described here. (These methods may be employed solely or in combination with each other.)
In all of the application manners, the carrier substances including Viremedy, are placed on some more sensitive regions (domains, fields), which are more related to the organism's perceptional domain in Vital Aura. In this way, the especial correspondent vital processes' complex is motivated and strengthened in the living organism.
In the first method (called also as "Contact Method"), sealed packs having carrier substances including Viremedy, are placed on some more sensitive regions (“related to the Vital Aura”); but not in mouth.
For instance; the packs (including the remedy), which are placed in the more sensitive regions related to the organism's non-bodily part, could be wrapped in the impenetrable multi layers of appropriate, partially non-carrier substances, and then in a non-reaction sticking plaster layer. As well, by employing a piece of cloth in expedient width and length, moistened with Viremedy, more covering the mentioned regions (with more sensitivity) is also possible. [According to the case, the mentioned cloth could be covered by the impenetrable layers of appropriate, partially non-carrier substances, and then, in a non-reaction layer for the skin….]
In this way and in spite of the remedy influence on the organism, there could be no direct contact between the remedy-carrier substances and the body.
In the first method of Viremedy employing, the carrier substances including the remedy, are wrapped and sealed completely, as the packs with no infiltration, before placing them on the mentioned relatively more sensitive regions (related to Vital Aura) over the body.
In the second method named also as the "Oral Method", fluid or solid materials including Viremedy, are placed in mouth.
In the third method called also as the "Saturating Method", the mentioned fluid (as water) including the remedy, is entered the body, in a particular manner.
Generally, increasing the number of employing remedy packs (in the appropriate regions), the time of placing Viremedy in the sensitive regions, the concentration of Viremedy and/or the amount of the carrier substance including the remedy, and benefiting more sensitive regions …, could accelerate the cure process through increasing the degree of Viremedy impression. [The curves of the mentioned direct relationships of the remedy influence with those factors, could be various according to the case. However, in general, there is no a linear pattern in them. (In several cases and at least within a particular phase, we could have seen a descending gradient in the mentioned curves…. (This subject has higher importance in severe or deep and prolonged diseases, in the presence of serious psychic and/or somatic stresses, and during intensification of the emergence & discharge procedures considering the related problems….)]
In all of the mentioned methods, tap water, saturated solutions of water and salt or water and sugar, salt, sugar, some metals, “agate” (as a particular type of “Quartz Crystal”), etc, can be appropriately employed as carrier substances, according to the existent conditions and cases ….
“In the latest and most common application manner”, called as also the "Saturating Method"; at the beginning, a plenty amount of water and/or other liquids including Viremedy, is drunk in a maximum time interval. This is so-called "Loading Dose". The amount proportions of loading dose depend on the body weight, and could be entered the body by any pertinent way. Then, the lesser amount of water and/or other liquids including Viremedy (again, according to the body weight), is regularly entered the body. This is so-called "Maintenance Dose".
For instance; at the beginning, the particular amount (as a “minimum” 1/12 of body weight litters) of water including Viremedy, and having at least the room temperature, is drunk in maximum of 48 hours. Then, the receiving amount is reduced to “minimum” 1/100 of body weight litter during “maximum” 24 hours. [Of course, if necessary, and according to the case, besides to compensatory dose the remedy-receiving amount could be repeatedly increased; the loading dose could be repeated, and the maintenance dose could be increased....)] (While forgetting the use of maintenance dose, "compensating dose" (with the same amount, in addition to the maintenance dose) should be recommended to the patient.)
In this regard and for instance; dropping one or a few drops of the saturated solution of water and salt and/or sugar including Viremedy, into the metal or non-metal container containing the afore-said amount of water, accompanied by providing sufficient effective energy (through any appropriate way), could supply the mentioned amount of carrier substance including Viremedy. [Before dropping the drops from the container containing the saturated solution of water and salt and/or sugar including Viremedy, shaking this container (for instance, “at least”, 40 times in one direction) could increase the so-called concentration of the remedy in the afore-said drops. Meanwhile, considering the related subjects; giving effective energy through heating and boiling (even for a short time) the water including Viremedy, benefiting electromagnetic fields (for example by using a suitable electrical oven, ultraviolet lamps, etc), ultra sound waves, and/or the other forms of appropriately applying effective energy, immersing expedient carrier substances (as agate or some metals) into the water, etc, could in their turns increase the concentration of Viremedy in the water including the remedy. (The water including Viremedy, should be kept in a “closed”, non-metal, non-cold container, or giving the mentioned, enough energy ought to be continued….)]
Besides, according to the case, immersing the mentioned appropriate materials (such as agate), and stirring the water including the remedy, by a metal or non-metal tool (for instance, as a “minimum”; 100 times), and then, a little pause (for instance, about 2 minutes) before drinking this water, could be recommended for increasing the concentration. [Sometimes, in case of immersing some particular materials (like metals as gold) into the mentioned water including Viremedy, appropriate attention to the probable aggravation or proving effects of those materials, could be required…. These probable transient effects could be useful, or cause some problems through cure course. On the whole, the effects can vary according to the factors such as; the mentioned material, the state of the person receiving the remedy, the time and manner of immersing the mentioned materials, and so on. (For instance, in case of using agate, the occurrence probability of the proving effect is lesser than the case of employing gold and the likes.) As well, considering the expressed subjects about the physical essence of Viremedy, “expediently increasing the time” between the mentioned immersing and drinking, and/or giving more effective energy during this time (for instance, by stirring, using hot water, etc) can diminish the occurrence probability of these effects….]
Besides, if needed, adding any apposite additives to the Viremedy carrier substances is possible….
[Meanwhile, it is worthy of noting that generally, also immersing a little piece of agate (or the like) into the container containing the water or solution including Viremedy, could in its turn help to preserving the remedy. Considering the related subjects in the related discussions, the concentration of the free electrons with the mentioned vibration is more in and around the afore-said piece of agate. Meanwhile, shaking the container (for instance, before using) causes more spread of the mentioned free electrons in the whole of the solution. By gradual consumption of this solution, the total number of these free electrons in the solution will be decreased, and the positive charges of the atoms' nuclei of the agate will be increased. Hence, even temporarily immersing a piece of agate, metal and the likes into the afore-mentioned solution, could repeatedly increase the concentration of the free electrons in the used remedy, in its turn.]
Meanwhile, before and/or during using the remedy, it is possible to increase the concentration of Viremedy much more through some particular ways. For instance; using some materials (such as the crystal of agate as a type of “Quartz Crystal”, and the likes), heating the carrier substance including the remedy, expedient shaking or stirring the liquid including the remedy, benefiting electromagnetic fields and waves (for example by using a suitable electrical oven, ultraviolet lamps, etc), ultra sound waves, and/or the other forms of appropriately applying effective energy, etc, are among these ways. [The mentioned effective energy could be applied on the carrier substances including Viremedy, before and/or during the remedy use (for example, even during infusion of the serum including the remedy…).]
Likewise, we could increase the concentration of Viremedy in each particular, considered place of the body (after or during reproducing the remedy in the plenty of materiel's body) by appropriately applying the expedient energy on the mentioned place....
In this method, one of the important intentions of entering the Viremedy loading dose into the body is reproduction of the remedy in the plenty of the body comprising materials. (Liquids passing through the mentioned more sensitive regions, the materials comprising them, etc, are among these materials….)
The purpose of employing maintenance dose is also keeping the remedy concentration within necessary limit.
In the pictures 1 to 3, some instances of Viremedy application have been shown.
Figure 1
Figure 2
Figure 3
Meanwhile, to accelerate cure process and applying better control of some problems caused by the emergence & discharge procedures, according to the case, formerly said application manners (such as placing the remedy packs on four or more regions having higher sensitivity related to the Vital Aura) could be also employed along with this method.
Likewise, for much access to the mentioned aim, if needed, and according to the case, other expedient methods and devices (as materials, instruments, techniques, maneuvers, etc) could be also carefully employed, accompanied by the mentioned use of Viremedy.
As well, considering the relevant findings in the courses as so-called Energy Therapy, Reflex Therapy, etc, placing the remedy packs on the regions having higher sensitivity, particularly, on the regions having more effect on the considered problem, could be employed for accelerating cure process, applying better control of some problems caused by the emergence & discharge procedures, and so on…. Moreover, repeating the loading dose, inserting the remedy packs on the mentioned related regions, and areas near the supposed center of the problem, and the likes, could be very helpful in their turns. [In this regard; the clinical consequences of the increase of the Viremedy use, particularly, in the short term, could be different according to the case. The intensity, duration and frequency of the clinical manifestations could be a wide spectrum of various responses; from temporary increase of the “symptoms & signs caused by the mentioned emergence (evacuation) procedure” to decrease of them. Naturally, it depends on the so-called depth, quantity and quality of the mentioned disorders, the existent stresses and environment conditions, the cure stage, the measure and manner of using Viremedy, etc. (“This fact and the related mechanisms & processes should be considered in all cases of effectively using any appropriate method and device for curing.”)]
As it was mentioned before; besides to the Viremedy's important role in motivating and improving the health acquirement process, this remedy (as a fundamental or basic remedy) could be appropriately used along with employing other expedient methods and devices, according to the case. [These methods and devices (as materials, instruments, techniques, maneuvers, etc) may be employed in any preventive & therapeutic system.] Naturally, this should be done appropriately, and “in order to as much as improving the health and vitality level, in total”. [10]
However, the main strategy in this remedial system is as much as raising the living organism's vitality and “its base”. Via Viremedy use, the information correspondent with the dynamic, harmonic general process of Health in the living organism (particularly, in more effective sections and centers in the so-called deeper levels) is induced and strengthened. Meantime, the so-called emergence (evacuation) of disorders, repairing, and promoting the appropriate procedures will be taken place through this course…. In this route and as a rule, every thing, which could directly or indirectly facilitate and accelerate this process “in total”, can be useful in its turn. In this regard, if needed, and according to the case, other expedient methods and devices in the Conventional Medicine and/or Unconventional Medicine, etc (as materials, instruments, techniques, maneuvers, and so on) could be appositely employed, along with the mentioned use of Viremedy.
Considering the mentioned dynamic, holistic, and systematic attitude, the aforesaid particular and appropriate simultaneous use is performed in the framework of an integrative, harmonious “Remedial System” named as "Vitherapy" or "Bio-therapy". [As expected; this system, like any preventive & therapeutic system, is based on its specific visions and attitudes, and has its particular borders and relationships with the other systems and schools….]
Moreover, during curing with Viremedy and particularly, considering the emergence & discharge procedures, and produced toxins, metabolites and materials in these processes, several issues are recommended to patients. Meanwhile, appropriate accompaniment with them should be considered throughout curing. [10]
Some of the symptoms & signs, which could be established and appeared due to the emergence & discharge procedures, according to the case, are as follows:
Mood Changes (as Nervousness), Weeping, Agitation, Sleep Changes (as Insomnia, Hypersomnia, and the other kinds of Somnipathy), Itch, Skin and/or Mucosa Rashes (as Skin Eruptions, Pimples, Urticaria, etc), Polyuria, Frequency, Dysuria, Diarrhea, Hypermenorrhea, Polymenorrhea, Exudations, Pain and/or Swelling and/or Paresthesia particularly, in Extremities, Vomiting, Nausea, Perspiration (with Various Odors, according to the case…), Coryza, Sneeze, Rhynorrhea, Salivation, Lacrimation, Fever, Flu-like Manifestations, Hypersensitivity, Discharges, “some Symptoms & Signs Related to the Existent Diseases and Disorders in various Parts and Levels of the Living Organism”, and so on. [Naturally, the symptoms & signs thanks to the emergence process can be more present in the susceptible parts and processes….]
Thus, there are numerous points, which should be taken into consideration in this remedial system. For instance:
- Paying attention to correct remedy use and its preserving conditions (such as preclusion of its interchange with airflow, minimum necessary shakings and applying effective energy in different ways);
- Proper management of the cure process and its speed, considering the existing possibilities and facilities, and the factors such as the type, and so-called depth, extension, and intensity of the unhealthy states, and the related disorders in various parts & sections of the organism- the living creature's nature & vitality level, and the predisposing factors- the environmental stresses and related conditions (such as new stresses, etc)- the remedy application manner and amount- other probably used methods and devices (as materials, tools, techniques, maneuvers, etc)- and so on;
- Noticing to some important hygienic and life style issues;
- Appropriate and meticulous use of any expedient method and device in the framework of an integrative, well-organized, harmonious “system”, for facilitating the evacuation of toxins and metabolites, predisposing apt conditions, removal of the cure process barriers & problems, help to repair processes, and in general, for facilitating & accelerating the health level rise, in total;
- Improving the knowledge and cooperation of patient and relatives in the dynamic cure process in a proper manner, as much as possible.
Thus, “the art of managing the patient in this remedial system could be unique and specific for each patient in different stages of the cure process”. [Nevertheless, in this remedial system, contrary to some of the preventive & therapeutic systems and schools, the therapists can be trained in large extent, with acceptable efficiency in many cases. These numerous competent therapists could response to an important part of the demands of society. Likewise, some valuable findings and experiences in “Social Medicine” could also be considered, when this remedy use would be spread and developed, widely and systematically in society. (The “systematic” attitude and appropriate, developing and promoting “cooperation”, could be believed as the most fundamental issues in the so-called “Social Medicine”….)]
As well, considering high simplicity in multiplying Viremedy (with low price), having no adverse effects, and ease in its use, employing this remedy could spread fast and easily.
Regarding the history and roots of the mentioned remedial system, and because of high simplicity in multiplying Viremedy with low price, having no adverse effects, and ease in its use, employing this remedy could spread fast and easily. [As well, there is no monopoly of this remedy and the related remedial system.]
Thus, in the appropriate conditions, and through systematic spreading and improvement of this remedial system and the related Remedy (as a widespread device in the mentioned remedial system), new ways to preventing and curing various disorders and diseases will be established; the quality of life will be improved, and in total, “the Health and Vitality level of society and the subsequent generations will be thriven”….
- It is obvious that Viremedy use is not an all-inclusive and unconditional solution for all disorders, and is not solely a complete, absolute alternate for all preventive & therapeutic methods and devices…! Viremedy (as an effective, general device in Vitherapy) can in its turn lead to the rise of vitality, upon numerous factors. Certainly, this partial impression has a fundamental value, and could be counted as a considerable inception for deep changes and progresses in various fields. (However, absolutism and unrealistically going to extremes about the abilities and benefits of Viremedy may lead to some undesired adverse results….)
It is necessary to be appreciative of all people, who helped in reaching the present point in various ways…. This work would not have been possible without their precious assistances and comments in different phases. Their helps are greatly acknowledged.