Easy Laryngoscopy “ Moustache blocking the view”
P Kumar, L Jayaraman, J Sood, G Kumar
difficult airway, lemon classification, moustache
P Kumar, L Jayaraman, J Sood, G Kumar. Easy Laryngoscopy “ Moustache blocking the view”. The Internet Journal of Anesthesiology. 2007 Volume 18 Number 1.
A sixty year male patient presented to us for a laparoscopic hernia repair. Preanesthetic check up revealed that the patient had a moustache which was rolled up neatly above the lip and therefore no difficulty in securing the airway was anticipated .
A sixty year male patient presented to us for a laparoscopic hernia repair. Preanesthetic check up revealed that the patient had a moustache which was rolled up neatly above the lip and therefore no difficulty in securing the airway was anticipated .
After intravenous induction and successful mask ventilation, when the laryngoscope was inserted ,the laryngeal view was totally masked by the moustache which had accidentally opened up.(fig1)
An assistant was called, who retracted the moustache with his hand and then a repeat laryngoscopy revealed an easy glottic view.(fig2)
Greenbarg1 et al have suggested the use of a tape to secure the facial hair which however may cause waxing of the hair which cannot be done in our case due to religious sentiments in our country.
According to the LEMON classification of assessment of airway2 ,L stands for