The Effect Of Immunizing Swiss White Mice With Snail Soluble Proteins And Challenging Them With Schistosoma Mansoni
E Kobia, H Ochanda, D Yole
cytokine, igg, schistosomiasis, snail soluble protein, vaccine, worm reduction
E Kobia, H Ochanda, D Yole. The Effect Of Immunizing Swiss White Mice With Snail Soluble Proteins And Challenging Them With Schistosoma Mansoni. The Internet Journal of Tropical Medicine. 2012 Volume 8 Number 1.
Schistosomiasis infects approximately 700 million people in 74 endemic countries. It causes high morbidity. Although the drug of choice, Praziquantel is effective against
Schistosomiasis infects approximately 700 million people in 74 endemic countries. Those infected are 207 million, with 85% of the cases occurring in Africa (WHO, 2010). The total number of Disability Adjusted Life Years (DALY) lost to schistosomiasis is estimated at 1.532 million per year, of which 77% are in sub-Saharan Africa (Gryseels
Chemotherapy remains the cornerstone of intervention but rapid re-infection demands frequent re-treatment and emphasizes the need for a more long-term approach. In addition, the drug of choice, Praziquantel, is expensive, and there is possibility of drug resistance (Ross
Host immune responses are central to strategies for controlling both infection and pathology in schistosomiasis (Capron, 1992). Parasite egg productions, granuloma formation, disease severity, resistance to re-infection and drug efficacy all depend on immunological factors (McCarthy & Nutman, 1996). Therefore vaccine strategies represent an essential component of the control of this chronic debilitating disease where the deposition of millions of eggs in tissues is the main cause of pathology.
The optimism towards the development of Schistosomiasis vaccine stems from the findings that continual exposure to Schistosomiasis elicits partial immunity (Butterworth
Various antigens have been researched on as possible vaccine candidates for schistosomiasis. These include: the 63 kD parasite myosin, the 97 kD paramyosin, the 28 kD triose phosphate isomerase (TPI), a 23 kD integral membrane protein (Sm23), and the 26 and 28 kD glutathione-S-transferases (GSTs). By 2006,
The objective of the present study was to determine the effect of immunizing mice with soluble proteins, RT and DG prepared from
Materials and Methods
Swiss white mice were divided into 2 experimental groups, DG (vaccinated with DG), RT (vaccinated with RT), and an infected control, IC. DG and RT were immunized and given two boosters of their specified proteins. All the three groups were challenged with 150
Hosts and Parasites
Swiss white mice used in this study, were maintained at the Rodent House, Institute of Primate Research (IPR). They were fed with nutrient pellets (Laboratory Cho from Unga Feeds® CO.) and supplemented with carrots and kale leaves. Water was supplied
Vaccination and challenge
The digestive gland of colony bred snails was dissected out from the rest of the snail body. The two tissues were homogenized separately in a glass mortar and pestle. The homogenates were centrifuged for 1 h at 10,000 g at 4°C to obtain the soluble proteins. The concentration of the proteins was assayed using Bradford method (1976). Two groups of mice, DG receiving soluble protein from the snail digestive gland, and RT receiving soluble protein from the rest of the body, were immunized with 50 µg of the specified soluble protein in 100 µl of complete Freund’s adjuvant intra-peritoneally. Each of the groups received 2 boosters, at weeks 2 and 4 of 25 µg of specified protein in 100 µl of incomplete Freund’s adjuvant intraperitoneally. One week after the final vaccination, the two groups of immunized mice, DG & RT, and a control IC, were challenged abdominally with 150
Preparation of antigens
0-3 hour release protein was prepared by artificially transforming cercariae (Ramalho-Pinto
Preparation of serum
At weeks 2, 4 and 6 post-challenge, blood was obtained from anaesthetized (mixture of Rompun and Ketamine in ratio of 20:1) DG, RT, IC and naïve mice by heart puncture. Serum was prepared from the blood and stored at -20°C before use in IgG Enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA).
Preparation of lymph nodes and spleen cells and cell culture
The inguinal and auxillary lymph nodes, which drain the abdominal area and the spleen, were obtained from the mice which had been bled. Lymph node cells and spleen cells were prepared as described by Yole
Cytokine ELISA for Inteferon gamma (IFN) and Interleukin-5 (IL-5)
MABTECH Inteferon gamma and IL-5 kits were used for the assay. Nunc-Immulon TM (MaxisorpTM surface ) ELISA plates were coated with 50 µl of 5 µg/ml solution of monoclonal anti-IFN/anti-IL-5 antibody and incubated overnight at 4°C. They were blocked by1 h incubation with 100 µl/well of 0.1% Bovine Serum Albumin (BSA). In specified wells, 50 µl/well of samples and mouse IFN/IL-5 standards were added in duplicate and plates incubated for 2 h. In each well, 50 µl of 3 µg/ml of rabbit anti-mouse IFN [Detection mAb (R4-6A2-Biotin)] or IL-5 [(Detection mAb (TRFK4-Biotin)] was added and incubated for1 h. Binding was then detected by adding 50 µl/well of Streptavidin-Horseradish peroxidase and incubating for 1 h. The incubations were at 37°C, and there were appropriate washes in between the steps. After the final wash, 50 µg/well of the substrate (Sure Blue TM TMB) was added. The plates were incubated in the dark, at 37°C, for 30 minutes. Optical density was read at 630 nm in an ELISA microplate reader (Dynatech MRX).
Schistosome-specific IgG ELISA
Nunc-ImmunoTM plates (MaxiSorp TM Surface) ELISA plates were coated overnight at 4°C with 50 μl of 10 µg/ml SWAP/ 0-3 hr release antigens. Non-specific binding sites were blocked by 1 h incubation with 100 μl 3% BSA. Diluted (1:200) 50 μl serum samples were dispensed into specified wells in duplicates and incubated for 1 h. IgG binding was detected by incubating for 1 h with 50 μl of 1:2000 peroxidase conjugated goat anti-mouse IgG (SIGMA Goat anti-mouse IgG peroxidase). The incubations were at 37°C, and there were appropriate washes in between the steps. In each well, 50 μl of substrate (Sure Blue TM TMB) was added. The plates were incubated at 37°C in the dark for 30 minutes. Optical density was read at 630 nm in an ELISA microplate reader (Dynatech MRX).
Perfusion, Worm Recovery, Gross pathology
At week 6 the abdominal cavity of DG, RT and IC was opened. The gross pathology of the liver was observed in terms of: inflammation, adhesions and presence of granulomas. Granulomas appear as raised pinheads sized foci distributed over the surface of the liver lobes. Severity of the granulomas was categorized as follows: 1-3 granulomas per lobe were considered few, 4-10, moderate and ≥ 10 severe.
The mice were perfused using the modified method of Smithers and Terry, 1965 (Yole
Results & Discussion
Worm Recovery
The percentage worm recovery for RT group was 39.5% while that for DG group was 56.7% when perfused 6 weeks post infection. Both RT and DG had significantly lower worm burden than IC (t-test; p< 0.05). The difference between RT and DG was also significant (p<0.05) with the worm burden being lower in RT mice than DG. Worm reduction in RT was 60.5% while that of DG was 43.3%. This exceeded the World Health Organization goal of 40% protection for both proteins (WHO/TDR, 1996).
Cellular Responses
Inteferon gamma is a THI cytokine involved in development of inflammatory foci, while Interleukin-5, a TH2 cytokine, is one of the cytokine which stimulate B cells to produce antibodies.
Inteferon Gamma Responses
RT group of mice had significantly higher (p< 0.05) IFN gamma responses than both DG and IC at all time points for both lymph node and spleen cells and also for both antigens, SWAP and 0-3 hr release protein (Fig. 1). In most of the times, DG had higher responses than IC, for both cells and both antigens, but the difference was not always significant. This shows that RT vaccination had the stronger interferon gamma production, implying better Th1 protection against the parasite, produced by RT, compared to DG (Pearce & Sher., 1991).
Lymph node cells had a peak production of IFN gamma at week two post-challenge, which is in agreement with Pemberton
Key: RT - Mice immunized with soluble proteins derived from the rest of the body tissues of the intermediate host and then challenged; DG - Mice immunized with soluble proteins derived from the digestive gland of the Intermediate host then challenged; IC - Infected control
Interleukin-5 Responses
RT mice had a significantly higher IL-5 (p<0.05) responses compared to DG and IC (Fig. 2) except for just one time point were the difference was not significant (LN cells, SWAP week 4). Except for responses to SWAP for the spleen cells, all other responses for RT were higher at week 2 when compared to week 4. DG and IC had similar IL-5 responses throughout the sampling period, for both organs and antigens. These results show that, in addition to IFN gamma, RT was able to stimulate production of IL-5, and hence invoke Th2 protection in Swiss mice. This phenomenon is reported in man, primates and rats (Pearce & Sher., 1991). Again, like in the case of IFN gamma, cells stimulated with 0-3 hr had higher responses than those stimulated with SWAP.
Key: RT - Mice immunized with soluble proteins derived from the rest of the body tissues of the intermediate host and then challenged; DG - Mice immunized with soluble proteins derived from the digestive gland of the Intermediate host then challenged; IC - Infected control
Humoral responses
RT had very strong IgG responses at week 2, which declined slightly at week 4, before rising again at week 6 (Fig. 3). The strong response at week 2 correlates with higher IL-5 responses at the same time point for this group. IL-5 is involved in the Th2 responses, which stimulates B cells to produce antibodies. RT had significantly higher IgG responses than both DG and IC at all sampling points (p<0.05). IgG responses for DG and IC showed an increasing trend from week 2 to 6. There was no significant difference for IgG responses between DG and IC although DG responses for 0-3hr release protein were consistently slightly higher than those of IC. RT, DG and IC had significantly higher IgG responses than naïve control, which is expected. This shows that all the groups produced IgG which is involved in antibody dependent cell–mediated cytotoxicity (ADCC; Hagan
Key: RT - Mice immunized with soluble proteins derived from the rest of the body tissues of the intermediate host and then challenged; DG - Mice immunized with soluble proteins derived from the digestive gland of the Intermediate host then challenged; IC - Infected control
NAIVE: Not infected
Gross pathology
Gross pathology was done by physical observation of the liver surface to detect inflammation; adhesions and presence of granulomas. None of the mice had granuloma. This could be attributed to a slower development of the parasite in the Swiss mice model compared to, for example, BALB/c mouse where granulomas were present at week 6 (Kanyugo
Inflammation in the liver was categorized as slightly inflamed or inflamed. All the mice in RT group had slightly inflamed liver tissues. DG had 5 mice with slightly inflamed liver tissues and one mouse with inflamed liver. All the mice in IC had inflammed liver tissues. This shows that RT had the least pathology, while IC had the worst, with DG lying in between.
The results from this study showed that mice immunized with soluble proteins from the snail intermediate host,
We acknowledge technical assistance offered by Kiio Kithome, Sammy Kisara, Simon Kiarie and Collins Ngudi.