Quick-Fire: 50 Questions in General Surgery Part IV
B Phillips
B Phillips. Quick-Fire: 50 Questions in General Surgery Part IV. The Internet Journal of Surgery. 2002 Volume 4 Number 1.
50 questions and answers from the field of general surgery are presented to train surgical residents.
What is the most common primary liver tumor?
How do you calculate: MAP?CO?SVR?
How do you treat a GSW to the rectum?
Where does the aorta perforate in a “jumper” that hits ‘feet-first'?
Why would a young, healthy woman present to the ED with sudden-onset hypotension?
What will improve the appetite in HIV patients or in chronic-cancer patients?
How do you treat an elevated bleeding time?
How do you treat Mobitz-type II?
How do you treat peaked T waves?
What three things do you need to have ‘ARDS'?
What is the first clinical sign of hypermagnesemia?
What is the most common cause of hypoxemia in a surgical patient?
How do you manage “follicular hyperplasic” on a thyroid FNA?
What can a posterior dislocation of the clavicle cause? (how do you treat it?)
What level is the tracheal bifurcation at?
What is the pulmonary ligament?
Which intercostal space is the widest?
In cancer, when do you see an “onion-skin appearance”?
In cancer, when do you see a “sunbusrt-appearance”?
How do you calculate an Anion Gap?
What causes a normal-AG acidosis?
What is the best operation to perform for secondary hyperparathyroidism?
What is phlegmasia alba dolens?
What is the clinical half-life: Albumin? Transferrin? Prealbumin? Retinol Binding Protein?
What is Mondor's Disease?
What is the meaning of an RQ of 0.7?
How do you treat “Gallbladder Ca” found by the pathologist following a lap chole?
What is the significance of UUN?
What is the mortality rate of an aspiration episode?
What is the most common nosocomial infection?
What are the Vitamin K-dependent factors?
Why does “purified-Factor VIII” not work for Von Willebrand's disease?
How do you treat a low-grade MALT?
What is a Zenker's Diverticulum?
How do you treat a sigmoid volvulus?
When do you see “Reed-Sternberg Cells”?
Which anal cancers are related to human papilloma virus?
How do you diagnose a pheochromocytoma?
How do you treat an acute, severe bleeding episode in a patient with known ITP?
What is the most common location for an accessory spleen?
What other conditions should you consider in a patient with SBO?
How do you treat a cystadenocarcinoma of the appendix?
What valvular disease do you see in patients with the carcinoid syndrome?
What is a Monteggia fracture?
What is Phlegmasia alba dolens?
How do you treat a 4 cm villous adenoma of the descending colon?
What is the treatment for a benign-appearing gastric ulcer along the lesser curve?
How do you treat a subclavian vein thrombosis secondary to central line placement?
What are the two classic signs of arterial insuffiency?
What is the most commonly-seen anatomy in popliteal artery syndrome?
MAP = [(SBP - DBP) / 3] + DBPCO = HR x SVSVR = (MAP – CVP / CO) x 80 dynes-cm –5
Presacral drainage (“u”-incision), with a diverting colostomy
It tears at the aortic root, not at the ligamentum arteriosum ** also “common” in jumpers is renal artery avulsion
EctopicBleeding hepatomaRuptured splenic artery aneurysm
DDAVP, 0.3 units/kg – can be given twice in succession
Peaked T waves = Hypercalcemia First, protect the myocardium: CalciumSecond,Third,Fourth – must decrease the total body calcium
ARDS – 3 criteria: PaO2 / FiO2 < 200 Bilateral infiltrates on CXRNo evidence of CHF (Pw < 18)
Loss of Deep Tendon Reflexes
V-Q Mismatch
Thyroid Lobectomy with Isthmusectomy; if frozen section or permanent histology reveals true follicular carcinoma proceed with total thyroidectomy
Tracheal Compression with airway compromise; treated by surgical reduction
The pulmonary ligament is a reflection of the visceral pleura
The 3rd intercostals space
“Onion-skin” = Ewing's Sarcoma
“Sunburst Appearance” = Osteogenic Sarcoma
AG = (Na+ + K+) - (Cl- + HCO3-)
Normal AG Acidosis DiarrheaFistulasRenal Tubular Acidosis
Kidney Transplant
Phelgmasia alba dolens: a variant of ileofemoral thrombosis characterized by arterial spasm and a pale, cool leg with diminished pulses (treated via heparinization)
Half-Life: Albumin - 18 days Transferrin- 8 days Prealbumin - 3 daysRetinol Binding Protein 12 hrs
Mondor's Disease: a localized thrombophlebitis of the anterolateral chest wall
RQ = 0.7; this means that fats are being utilized as the primary fuel source
Gallbladder Ca on the path report: reoperation for wedge resection of the liver bed plus regional lymhadenectomy
UUN – urine urea nitrogen, a guide to nitrogen balanceUUN = N2 Intake - N2 Ouput UUN = (G protein / 6.25) - (UUN + 4)
Mortality approaches 50%
II, VII, IX, and X
“Purified Factor VIII” does not contain VonWillebrand's Factor – which is the defiency in Von Willebrand's disease
Treat the associated H. pylori !
Zenker's Diverticulum: a paryngoesophageal pulsion diverticulum that arises in the posterior midline of the neck - just above the cricopharyngeus muscle and below the inferior constrictor (surgical therapy is the treatment of choice - excision with myotomy of the cricopharyngeal muscle)
Sigmoid Volvulus: colonoscopic decompression**
Reed-Sternberg Cells = “owl-eye cells” = Hodgkin's lymphoma
All anal cancers are associated with Human Papilloma Virus
Pheo = Urinary Metanephrines
Splenic hilum
Small Bowel Obstruction: (after adhesions from previous surgery)HerniasCrohn's diseaseCarcinoid
Right hemicolectomy, and consider taking out both ovaries (especially in a post-menopausal female; they are more likely to develop ovarian cancer)
Tricuspid Insuffiency
The “night-stick fracture”: a common story is that of a burglar being hit by a police night-stick; the burglar brings his arm up to protect his face and sustains an ulnar fracture – commonly associated with a dislocated radial head. Must get a lateral elbow film to rule-this out
Phlegmasia alba dolens:
Segmental colectomy with primary reanastamosis*
Treatment of a gastric ulcer: all gastric ulcers should get brushings & biopsied
Medical Management: Anti-secretory Agent (Proton Pump Inhibitor) Antibiotics against H. pylori D/C all Nsaid's & Cox II inhibitors
Indications for Surgery: Biopsy positive or suspicious for malignancyLarge ulcer (especially if it is located along the greater curve) Failure to heal with medical management after 3 months
Remove the central line and heparinize the pt.
Elevation pallor & Dependent rubor
The most commonly seen abnormality leading to popliteal entrapment is a artery that runs medial to the medial head of the gastrocnemius**
Correspondence to
Bradley J. Phillips, MD Dept. of Trauma & Critical Care Medicine Boston Medical Center Boston University School of Medicine CCM 2707 One Boston Medical Center Place Boston, MA 02118 Phone: (617) 638-6406 Fax: (617) 638-6452 Email: bjpmd2@aol.com