An Interesting Case Of Epilepsy
A Ghanizadeh, A Gorganinezard
A Ghanizadeh, A Gorganinezard. An Interesting Case Of Epilepsy. The Internet Journal of Neurology. 2004 Volume 4 Number 2.
A Case Of Epilepsy
MS. M. R. is a 20 years old, single, five grade educated referred with aggression, irritability, escaping from home and suicidal though. The Wechsler intelligence score was 80. She was a case of Bipolar Mood Disorder. The patient was a known case of epilepsy with pattern of tonic-clonic seizures which started from about 13th years old. The onset was concomitant with onset of menstruations. The seizure attacks repeated only during 2 to 3 days before menstruation and occurred 7 to 8 times in each period. The attack disappeared about 12 hours before each menstruation. There was not any other attach between the menstruations. The interval of the menstruations was 20 days and it was fixed with alternation. There was a positive history of febrile convulsion in 3 years old. Then the episodes of staring and lip smacking appeared that last for about 30 seconds. She took Phenobarbital from 3 years old to 13 years old. Then it was changed to carbamazepine, which was stopped after drug eruption. Topamax and sodium valporate started. There was not any positive finding in neurological examination and Para-clinic laboratory findings. These medications never changed the frequency and pattern of the seizure. Consent form for publication was taken.