Freely Available Statistical Software On Internet
G Singh
G Singh. Freely Available Statistical Software On Internet. The Internet Journal of Medical Simulation. 2008 Volume 2 Number 2.
Many researchers of biomedical or other areas and even statisticians who do not like to purchase popular statistical software and use to work on copied version, may download this free software according to their requirement and perform statistical analysis of data.
Following is the list of free statistical packages, the link/website of which can be found using any search engine and can be downloaded from Internet.
Now a days a large number of statistical packages for general purpose and specific purpose are available on internet free of cost and copyright restrictions that can be downloaded and can work offline. However, commercial use of these packages like mixing, editing and publishing without the permission of author is restricted. The only requirement is to quote them properly whenever used.
Basically there are two kinds of free statistical software available on internet. One, which works online (like works online as calculator calculating BMI, PI etc. on entering the value of height and weight etc.) and other which works offline (non-internet) for stand-alone computing.
Many researchers of biomedical or other areas and even statisticians who do not like to purchase popular statistical software and use to work on copied version, may download these free software according to their requirement and perform statistical analysis of data.
Following is the list of free statistical packages, the link/website of which can be found using any search engine and can be downloaded from Internet.
determining the rate at which an event occurs (confidence levels versus numbers of false positive or negative conclusions),
determining an estimate of an averge within a tolerable error (given the standard deviation of individual measurements), and
determining the sampling grid necessary to detect “hot spots” of various assumed shapes.
WINPEPI (PEPI for Windows) -- Windows versions of the renowned PEPI suite of programs
EpiCalc 2000 -- Statistical calculator
FP Advisor -- Foodborne disease database
SigmaD -- Standardisation of measurement
SOUNDEX Calculators -- Confidentiality of data / identification of duplicate records
SampleXS -- Sample size calculator for cross-sectional surveys
SampleLQ -- Sample size calculator for LQAS surveys
SampleRate -- Sample size calculator for a single rate
EpiGram -- Simple diagramming software
Statistical Utilities -- Miscellaneous statistical and epidemiological utilities (by Ray Simons and others)
EpiInfo PLUS -- A version of the classic DOS version of EpiInfo
EpiInfo Add-ins -- Logistic regression and survival analysis for EpiInfo .REC files
MUAC screening tool -- Software to determine MUAC cut-points for two-stage screening in nutritional emergencies.
CSAS coverage calculator -- An Excel spreadsheet for calculating coverage estimates and drawing plots and maps from CSAS survey data. Also provides capture-recapture estimates of the sensitivity of a case-finding procedure. A spreadsheet containing example data is available here.
A brief introduction to using the R environment for analysing epidemiological data in Adobe Acrobat (.PDF) format with sample data, in a ZIP file here.
The above list is not exhaustive. There can be much more free software available on Internet for statistical analysis of data related to diverse field of research.
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