Editorial And Acknowledgment
J Chiu
J Chiu. Editorial And Acknowledgment. The Internet Journal of Minimally Invasive Spinal Technology. 2008 Volume 3 Number 4.
We are pleased to publish this issue of IJMIST. With our e-mailing readers list approaching 18,000, the response to the IJMIST publication has been very enthusiastic. Numerous abstracts and manuscripts were submitted from many countries. The informal federation of MIST (Minimally Invasive Spinal Technology) societies and congresses provide the necessary cooperative framework for the advancement, development and application of MIST. We are grateful to the representatives from various MISS societies, the IJMIST Editorial Board for reviewing and editing this issue and preparing the final version.
Medical professionals, spine care specialists, spine surgeons and the public are rapidly embracing and demanding the therapeutic approach of minimally invasive surgical treatment.
Minimally invasive spinal surgery (MISS) has evolved and advanced through knowledge integration:
Interdisciplinary - The interaction between various fields of science and technology is facilitating the explosive progression of medicine and surgery.
Inter-Medical Specialties - The interaction between medical specialties, orthopedics, neurosurgery, ENT, general surgery, patho-anatomy, neurology and others contributes to the advancement of MISS and clinical practice.
International Exchange - The development of MISS is the result of accumulation of scientific achievements, interdisciplinary knowledge, and contributions of numerous countries
The Convergence of digital technology contributes to the further advancement of MISS.
Indeed, medical science is international and innovative per definition, and modern technology has removed both its geographic and temporal confines. IJMIST intends to provide an interdisciplinary and international forum for free flowing information without boundaries. IJMIST allows the worldwide distribution of acquired knowledge, making it readily available to all.
We appreciate the contribution of select abstracts from the “International 27th Course for Percutaneous Endoscopic Spinal Surgery and Complementary Minimal Invasive Techniques”, Zurich, Switzerland – 2009 with permission from Dr. Hansjoerg Leu and ISMISS, and from the “Congress on Spine Surgery from Tradition to the Future Spine Innovation”, Dresden, Germany, 2008 with permission from Dr. Stephan Hellinger.
Thank you for participating in this IJMIST internet journal! We welcome your comments. Again, you are invited to submit your manuscripts, global news, and future meeting announcements for our publication!
John C. Chiu, M.D., FRCS, D.Sc.
Editor in Chief