Time Management Among Adolescent – Need Of The Hour
M Goel, D Gaur, M Goel, R Mishra
adolescents, time management
M Goel, D Gaur, M Goel, R Mishra. Time Management Among Adolescent – Need Of The Hour. The Internet Journal of Epidemiology. 2008 Volume 6 Number 2.
Adolescence is the period of transition from childhood to adulthood. W.H.O. has defined adolescents as individuals aged between in 10-19 years. It is the most fertile and most vulnerable segment. Time management is of paramount importance, especially for the overall growth and development of adolescence. The study was conducted on 400 students in the age group of 10-19 years showed that adolescents spend more of the time in personal cleanliness, playing games and watching television. They did not spend any time meditation or remembering God, moral teachings, caring for old persons, and family, patriotic and national values. There is an imperative need to have a strong need based action programme at the level of - Family/Parents/Teachers in schools & community for guiding the adolescent regarding proper time management.
Management means getting things done with optimal resources. It has been a very important tool in the present world to solve any problem to achieve any success or to have the maximum benefits after putting in minimum inputs. In the modern era time is very precious and its proper management of time is the key to success. Recently it has become even more important and complicated after the introduction of modern scientific techniques, gadgets, especially computers.
Adolescence is the period of transition from childhood to adulthood. W.H.O. has defined adolescents as individuals aged between in 10-19 years. Not gold but men can make a Nation great & strong” and adolescent is the largest and most rapidly expanding segment of our country. It is the most fertile and most vulnerable segment. Need less to point out that time management is of paramount importance, especially for the overall growth and development of adolescence in our country.
With that aspect in mind an attempt was made to carry out a cross section study through the medium of schools, in the adolescents. They were simply asked questions to describe their daily work schedule in relation to their life style and various routine activities.
Aims and objectives
To know the time spent by adolescents in various activities.
Material and methods
The study was conducted in November 2007. It was a descriptive type of epidemiological study and design adopted was cross-sectional. Total of 400 students in the age group of 10-19 years were enrolled in the study, out of which there were 200 boys and 200 girls. All of the study subjects were chosen randomly, using school records of High School/Secondary schools in the urban field practice area attached to department of Community Medicine PGIMS Rohtak, Haryana and random number table was used to achieve randomization.. About 50% of the students (Boys & Girls) were belonging to private schools whereas the 2 nd half belonged to ordinary Govt. Boys/Girls High/Secondary School. The study was interviewed based and a predesigned, semi-structured questionnaire was used for the study. The subjects were asked simple questions regarding their daily life routine and house hold chores and they were assured about confidentiality. Boys and girls however were interviewed by the male and female health workers respectively under the supervisions of male and female doctors.
In the study 200 boys and 200 girls were enrolled and almost equal proportions in early, middle and late adolescents groups. 70% of boys and 64% of girls wake up late in the morning i.e. after 7.00 am (during winters). The activities in which more than half of the adolescents spend more of the time (>1hr/day) are – personal cleanliness, playing games and watching television. More than 1/3 rd i.e. 38.5% of the subjects use mobile phones for more than ½ hr per day. Only 9% of boys and 19% of girls spend any time in meditation or remembering God, respectively. Similarly, 11% of boys and 10 % of girls spend any time in moral teachings, caring for old persons, and family, patriotic and national values.
Leisure planning and time management are important concerns related to overall well being and quality of life for adolescents 1 . Working on behavior problems with adolescents (ages 13-18) is very different from working with younger children 2 .The well being of adolescents is associated with choices made during discretionary time.
In our study 66.5% of the subjects were using mobile phones and approximately 10% and more than 1/3 rd i.e. 38.5% of the subjects use mobile phones for more than 1hr and ½ hr per day respectively. Conversation did through mobile phones in school as well as homes include talking of general well being, gossiping, making outdoor programmes, academic & multi purpose activities. This needs attention as intensity of use may be associated with increase in health problems.
A study in Finland showed similar results i.e. mobile phone was used by 89% of respondents (14–16-year-olds) and by 13% for at least 1 h daily. Moreover, the intensity of use was positively associated with health compromising behaviours (smoking, snuffing, and alcohol) 3 .
Television viewing is a major activity and influence on children and adolescents. Children in the United States watch an average of three to four hours of television a day 4 . In our study more than 50% of the adolescents watch television in the homes for more than an hour per day and most of the programmes watched belong to movies & serial groups. Television also exposes children to behaviors and attitudes that may be overwhelming and difficult to understand. Time spent watching television takes away from important activities such as reading, school work, playing, exercise, family interaction, and social development.
Robert W. Motl (et al) showed decrease in time spent watching television was associated with an increase in frequency of leisure-time physical activity. And interventions that reduce television watching are possible means of increasing adolescent physical activity 5 . Encourage discussions with your children about what they are seeing as you watch shows with them.
Time spent in meditation or remembering God, is very less. Similarly, any time spent in moral teachings, caring for old persons, family, patriotic & National values is also very less i.e. approximately in the range of 10%. Traditionally, Indian society has believed that the wisdom of parents is enough for the raising and development of adolescents 6 . Parents should talk about their personal and family values repeatedly.
But now people are realizing more and more that adolescents need special help in these changing times. Participation in organized recreation provides for the constructive use of free time and develops skills for the management of discretionary time and thereby reduces the need for, and the costs of, providing other governmental and social services that deal with the management of antisocial behaviors after they occur 1 . Hence there is an imperative need to have a strong need based action programme at the level of - Family/Parents/Teachers in schools & community. Involving adolescent and youth at every level will to have the desired impact.