Foetal Development In-utero: Modern Medical Knowledge or a Vedic Mystery?
V Gautam, M Singh Dhingra, S Gautam
ayurveda, development, embryology, feotus, india
V Gautam, M Singh Dhingra, S Gautam. Foetal Development In-utero: Modern Medical Knowledge or a Vedic Mystery?. The Internet Journal of Biological Anthropology. 2006 Volume 1 Number 1.
The ancient Indian Literature is a store of house of knowledge which lies yet untapped due to the limited number of individuals who can translate the scriptures and also due to a lack of awareness about the contents. Charka Samhita provides a detailed account of the fetal development in-utero and also gives a clinical account of the signs and symptoms associated with pregnancy. A correlation of the account given in this scripture, written at the time when microscopic or imaging techniques were non existant, with the modern day texts of embryology and fetal development brings forward two nearly identical descriptions. This attempt is intended to promote and encourage a detailed exploration of the vast ocean of knowledge contained in ancient Indian Literature in order to obtain pearls of wisdom.
The various Indian systems of medicine –
Here we give a portion of the detailed account of ‘in-utero' development of the foetus as mentioned in
1. Once the zygote has reached the two-cell stage, it undergoes a series of mitotic divisions, increasing the number of cells. Until the eight-cell stage they form a loosely arranged clump. Approximately 3 days after fertilization, cells of the compacted embryo divide again to form a 16-cell morula.1
2. At a very early stage in development, the embryo proper acquires the form of a three-layered disc (three germ layers) called as embryonic disc. All the tissues of the body are derived from one or more of these layers.2
3. About the time the morula enters the uterine cavity, fluid begins to penetrate through zona pellucida into the intercellular spaces of the inner cell mass. Gradually the intercellular spaces become confluent, and finally a single cavity, the blastocele forms.1
4. By the end of the embryonic period the main organ systems have been established, rendering the major features of the external body form recognizable by the end of the second month.1
5. a) The head and upper limbs are still disproportionately large in the 3rdmonth.3
b) By the 12th week, external genitalia develop to such a degree that sex of the foetus can be determined by external examination (Ultrasonography).1
c) During the 3rd month eyelids meet and fuse. 3
6. Foramen ovale persists through out the foetal life. After birth, foramen ovale is permanently obliterated by the fusion of the two flaps.2
7. a) Oxygenated blood from the placenta comes to the foetus through the umbilical vein, which joins the left branch of the portal vein.2
b) During the 4th to 7th weeks the heart divides into a typical four-chambered struture.1
8. a) During the 4th to 7th weeks the heart divides into a typical four-chambered struture.1
b) With an ordinary stethoscope FHS can be detected between 18- 20 weeks.4
9. Jacquemier's or Chadwick's sign: It is the dusky hue of the vestibule and anterior vaginal wall visible at about 8th week of pregnancy. 4
x) a)
10. a) Palpation of foetal parts can be made distinctly by 20th week. Active foetal movements can be felt at intervals by placing the hand over uterus as early as 20th week.4
b) During the fourth month the covering of primary hair appears- lanugo.1
xi) a)
11. a) Active foetal movements can be felt at intervals by placing the hand over uterus as early as 20th week.4
b) The heart rate varies from 140-160 per minute but gradually settles down to 120-140 per minute as the pregnancy advances.4
12. The foetal heart sounds are best audible through the back (left scapular region) in vertex and breech presentation, where the convex portion of the back is in contact with the uterine wall. However, in face presentation, the heart sounds are heard through the foetal chest.4
13. During the 6th month the skin of the foetus is reddish and has a wrinkled appearance because of the lack of underlying connective tissue.1
14. Eyelids and eyebrows are now well developed in the 6th month.3
15. During the 7th month the eyelids themselves separate.3
16. During the 7th month, the testes abruptly and rapidly passes through the inguinal canal and gains the scrotum.3
17. A foetus born during the sixth or the beginning of the seventh month has great difficulty in surviving.1
18. a) During the 7th month the skin loses its wrinkled appearance due to increased deposition of subcutaneous fat. 3
b) During the end of this month, the foetus is viable and may in fact be successfully raised if born prematurely.3
19. The length of period of gestation is regarded as 9 calendar months in obstetrics practice- approximately 270 days.3
20. a) Sexual characteristics are pronounced and testes should be in the scrotum by the ninth month.1
b) At the time of birth the weight of a normal foetus is 3000 to 3400 grams; its Crown Heel Length is about 50cms.
Foetal growth of nails is gradual and their extremities have merely reached near the tips of digits at birth, fingers being rather more advanced than those of the toes.3
The field of medicine and mankind on the whole would benefit a lot if more research is undertaken to establish the scientific basis of the Indian System of Medicine, which has been practised successfully in India and certain parts of the world since ages. A near identical nature of the two descriptions merits a detailed and in-depth research in to this vast and yet untapped source of knowledge.
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