Thoracic Anesthesia Teaching Board (TATB)
A El-Dawlatly
A El-Dawlatly. Thoracic Anesthesia Teaching Board (TATB). The Internet Journal of Anesthesiology. 2007 Volume 16 Number 1.
Letter to Editor
It gives me great pleasure to introduce this teaching tool to my colleague's seniors and juniors who are practicing thoracic anesthesia. First I have gathered all tools commonly and currently in use for lung isolation which includes: double lumen tubes (Rusch, Mallinkrodt), Silbronch (Fuji), bronchial blockers (Arndt, Cohen), uniblocker (Fuji), Torque Control Blocker (TCB, Fuji). I have assembled these tools on hard board which currently I am using within my hospital for teaching our residents (Figure 1). Actually I am conducting thoracic anesthesia workshop in different places within and without the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, therefore I thought of soft version of TATB which is portable and easy to carry from place to another. It enclosed same contents as shown in the hard version (Figure 2). I called it thoracic case (Figure 3).