Defeating Pain: The Brutal Way
D Asudani
alternative therapy, medicine, pain, pain treatment, palliative care, symptom control
D Asudani. Defeating Pain: The Brutal Way. The Internet Journal of Alternative Medicine. 2000 Volume 1 Number 1.
While the analgesics and pain management has seen remarkable advancements, there are places, where still inhumane methods are employed. A brutal practice found in India is described and its existence in the era of modern analgesia and anesthesia is criticized.
Case Report
A patient presented with abdominal pain and was taken to a person in his village supposedly specializing in pain treatment (image1).
Figure 1
While still in his village, the patient was treated by the “pain specialist” with a hot rod to “divert” his attention from the real pain. The hot rod left the marks seen in image 2. A few days later, the patient had to undergo laparotomy and a peptic perforation of the stomach was found.
The patient recovered and could return to his village. The “pain specialist” is still active.