Letter To The Editor: Numb Toes And Aching Soles
J Senneff
anesthesia, anesthesiology, critical care medicine, education, electronic publication, intensive care medicine, internet, multimedia, online, peer-review, regional anesthesia, trauma
J Senneff. Letter To The Editor: Numb Toes And Aching Soles. The Internet Journal of Anesthesiology. 1998 Volume 3 Number 3.
Dear Sir:
I have written a new book concerning how the pain of peripheral neuropathic disorders is currently being dealt with. I thought it might be of interest to your readers.
Numb Toes and Aching Soles: Coping with Peripheral Neuropathy, offers a comprehensive coverage of peripheral neuropathy, including causes, symptoms, tests, treatments- conventional and alternative, clinical trials, new drugs in the pipeline, and day-to-day coping. The emphasis, in particular, is on dealing with the pain of neuropathy.
The book contains over 200 patient comments concerning various medical therapies that are being used, both conventional and alternative. Twelve leading neurologists have reviewed Numb Toes and Aching Soles and have offered comments which are incorporated.
Early reviewers have been generous in their praise. Dr. David A. Greenberg, Vice-Chairman of Neurology at the University of Pittsburgh in the U.S., says Numb Toes and Aching Soles “is a superbly researched and readable book.” Dr. Laurence J. Kinsella, Chief of Neurology at Mt. Sinai Medical Center, lauds it as “an informative and exhaustive work” which should prove to be “a valuable resource for patients and physicians alike.” Another reviewer says the book is a “must” for PN victims and that it “should be mandatory reading for every medical student, doctor, nurse and therapist!”
I hope you will bring this to the attention of your Journal readers so that they will have the opportunity of considering copies for themselves. Some early reviewers have said the valuable insights the book affords into the pain experiences of PN victims are reasons enough for medical professionals to have the book.
An easy way for your readers to order is at the following web site: www.medpress.com . Copies may also be purchased by sending a check for either $19.95 for the softback edition or $29.95 for the professional case bound version, plus $4 S&H in each case, to MedPress, PO Box 691546, San Antonio, TX, 78269. Thank you for your consideration.”
John Senneff